Chapter 1519 Send it to Daha
Don't talk about how the female family members in the mansion are so sour, just talk about the young masters who saw He Xiner for the first time, they were so confused.

Such a temperament and appearance, even in the entire Lin'an County, there are not many to be found. How does it seem that they grew up in the countryside?
This is really beautiful and hard to give up~
The gentlemen didn't care about the affairs of the back house, and they met He Xiner for the first time. They didn't know each other well, so they didn't have much to say. They just got to know each other, and then they sat down quietly and started eating.

"Fourth sister, these rock sugar knuckles are crispy, sweet and salty, you should eat more of them."

He Qier stared at He Xiner with a smile, but the other party didn't respond.

"Furong Chicken Slices, soft, tender, fragrant, white in color..."

"Craucian carp in milk soup, the meat is fresh and tender, and the soup is milky white..."


He Xiner...

Thank you so much.

"Fourth sister, this plate of braised lion's head is fat and thin, and the meat is fragrant. It is the special skill of the cook in the mansion. It is not inferior to the taste of Dingfuju. Isn't it, big brother?"

In the entire flower hall, there were almost only the voices of He Chuer and He Qier, and the others were either waiting to watch the excitement, or turned a deaf ear, pretending that they did not hear.

He Jiaheng, who was named by He Chuer, looked up at her, and said loudly, "Second sister, don't talk when you eat or sleep."

Immediately, everyone at the table looked.

He Chuer's face turned red.

"Oh, Jia Heng, it's not the second aunt who said you, but your own family. How can there be such a big rule? Besides, the girl's family has a thin skin, how can she face her like this?"

The person at the head of the house was attacked, and the second wife, Kong, immediately said yes to the hedgehog, erecting hard thorns all over her body.

However, He Jiaheng is an adult man, and he has managed Dingfuju for many years, and he is also a person of status in the family, so he is not afraid of her as a housewife.

"As the saying goes, you can't make a square without rules, and rules are naturally important."

"Now the house is the second aunt's housekeeper, don't you just follow the rules and let your temper go?"

Kong was thrown up in anger.

He Xiner listened to their bickering with great interest, thoughtfully.

The young master is the eldest son of the eldest son, um, the eldest son of the concubine is also the eldest son, in short, he shares the same house with her, so he is on her side?

She glanced at the silent elder mistress Jiang Shi, feeling quite surprised.

My heart is slightly warm.


Big Brother——

Her heart constricted so suddenly that she almost suffocated.

He Xiner lowered her head so that no one could see the emotion in her eyes. After the extreme discomfort subsided, she took out her porcelain plate, put a braised lion's head in it, and put a large piece of rock sugar elbow in it. Wanting to pick up a few more pieces of hibiscus chicken, she turned her head and told Wei Yu, "Send it to Daha."


He Chuer...


He Jiaheng...


Mrs. Jiang gave her a dissatisfied look. Her husband-in-law stood up for her and confronted the second wife who was in charge, but she was not only not grateful, but like a normal person, she should eat, drink, and miss her. A stupid dog.

It's really confusing.

At the same time, Kong thought, this little slut has grown a good skin, but he is actually a straw bag.

The old lady sat upright, keeping her expression on her face.

He Jiaheng looked over deeply, and was facing the young girl's agile eyes, full of autumn water, bright eyes that are kind to her~
He was slightly startled, it was the first time he saw such clean and clear eyes.

Jiang Jiang's support was not for He Xiner, but for the face of his eldest son, his father's face. He couldn't just stand and watch the second servant trample the eldest house into the mud.

To put it bluntly, he doesn't have the slightest affection for this sister-in-law who came out of the way.

What's more, his good aunt is very wary of him, he doesn't have the slightest intention to get close to their mother and daughter.

But now, those clear eyes softened his heart suddenly.

This clean and beautiful woman is his little sister~
(End of this chapter)

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