The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1524 He will understand soon

Chapter 1524 He will understand soon
Ye Xusheng was stunned.

He was still the second uncle, and he was so sad that he was about to collapse because of Xin'er's affairs, but what's the situation now?
It was the first time to see his second uncle with such a side.

Those eyes were bright like torches, faintly jumping with excited flames.

can't read.

Soon he understood.

When a wooden box full of banknotes was placed in front of his eyes, he knew why the second uncle had such an expression.

"Xusheng, this is what Xin'er left behind. Do you know how much money is in it?"

Ye Laiyin fixed her fiery eyes on her eldest nephew's eyes, fearing that she might miss something.

Mrs. Wang, who was resting in bed in the room, couldn't help the curiosity in her heart, got off the kang slowly, put on her shoes and walked out slowly.

Ye Laiyin, who could hear the movement, no longer cared about staring at his elder nephew. A gust of wind rushed forward, supported Wang's arm, and said in a warm voice, "You are weak, you need to rest more."

"I haven't figured out what's going on with those bank notes, so I can't rest assured."

Ye Xusheng couldn't say anything in his heart, he just felt a little weird.

The second uncle had nothing to say to the second aunt, but he had never been so cautious.

That's right, Second Aunt must have been heartbroken because of Xin'er's incident...

A deep sense of guilt hit his heart, and he was in a complicated mood.

"Second Aunt, are you alright?"

Wang smiled softly, "I'm fine."

Ye Xusheng was dumbfounded.

"Haha, I'll talk about this later, let's talk about the bank notes first, you and Xin'er are the closest, do you know where she got so much money?"

Originally, he didn't intend to use the money that He Xiner left him, but all the money in the family was taken away by his daughter, and the broken money in his hand was okay to buy some blue bricks, but it was not enough to buy a house.

He thought that his daughter liked mahogany doors with copper rings, so he would spend more money to make them look decent, and his daughter would be happy to see them when she came back.

So, he decided to embezzle a few dozen taels of silver temporarily, and then add it when the wild fruit makes money.

When he opened the moist and smooth wooden box, he was almost blinded by the silver bills inside.

He and Mrs. Wang counted the bank notes nervously and excitedly, the surprise was no small matter.

Both of them gasped.

Twenty-one thousand two hundred taels!

In other words, Ye Laiyin also carried huge sums of money, but, this feels different.

My daughter came up with a lot of money-making ideas, the most profitable ones were wild fruits and dolls, but no matter what they were, they could be seen and touched, and they were earned by the help of a few adults.

But the money seemed to pop out of nowhere.

It is true that she is at home every day, either making a doll or playing with a few girls, enjoying herself all day long, but she has never seen what she has done, how did she earn so much money?
The couple are both proud and puzzled, and there is something tickling in their hearts, yes, it's unbearably itchy~
Isn't it just waiting for Ye Xusheng to explain their doubts to them.

"The money is earned by Xin'er writing books."

Seeing that his second uncle and aunt were still in a stable mood, Ye Xusheng's mood also improved a lot.

Speaking of He Xiner, his eyes are clear and gentle, the corners of his lips are slightly hooked in pleasure, and the corners of his eyes and brows are full of tenderness~
"That is to say, the two of you have been writing books quietly for more than two years?"

Ye Laiyin couldn't believe it.

These two half-grown children really, really can hold their breath.

Holding such a large sum of money in his hand, he was so stunned that he couldn't see anything, so he did what he should do.

She never disliked bean sprouts for three pennies per catty, and she never forgot to help pour water and soak beans every day.

His daughter is so, so...

Blame him for not having read the book, and couldn't think of any suitable words to praise him for a while.

In short, his daughter is the best, the most powerful, the most outstanding, the most capable, and the most filial.

(End of this chapter)

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