The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1525 Let's talk about it later

Chapter 1525 Let's talk about it later

"These two children are calmer than adults, but it's amazing~"

Wang's eyebrows were curved, she smiled gently, and her tone was full of pride.

She was already soft and gentle, but now her eyes are clear, her smile is gentle, and her fair face seems to have a soft halo, which makes her demure, gentle and honest.

The strange feeling in Ye Xusheng's heart rose again.

"It's no wonder that Xin'er said that she would buy me a Zhuangzi that day. I didn't take it seriously at the time, and I didn't expect my daughter to be so rich, hehe..."

Ye Laiyin rubbed her hands happily.

He said that my daughter is the most filial child in the world.

"Well, Xin'er is going to buy Zhuangzi, and she also wants to hire a few long-term workers to do the work, and hire two more wives for the family..."

Ye Xusheng paused, "If I didn't want to save enough money to buy the mansion first, I would have bought Zhuangzi when I first got the manuscript fee."

"What kind of mansion would cost so much money?"

Although I don't know the specific price, but according to Ye Laiyin's idea, 1000 taels of silver can settle down in the county town.

Ye Xusheng briefly stated He Xiner's thoughts, and Ye Laiyin and his wife were taken aback.

"Hey, if it's my daughter, thinking about things is long-term..."

Wang smiled and said, "Whoever doesn't say it, Xin'er is smart."

A flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and her gentle eyes suddenly became brighter. She suppressed her beating heart and said excitedly in her voice, "Sir, let's go to the county town to buy a house. It's closer to He's mansion. You don't need a big house, just clean and tidy. It will be much easier to see Xin'er..."

Ye Laiyin and his wife are not the ones who like to show off and show off. No matter how rich their family is, they don't feel that there is anything special about them, and they live their lives as usual.

I never thought about going to the county seat to buy a big house and be the master and wife of the family.

It wasn't the eldest nephew who mentioned it, Wang didn't think of it at all.

Ye Laiyin shouted excitedly, "Hey, I think the girl's brain is so good, so she followed the lady, haha, your brain is fast enough, not worse than the girl's."

Ye Xusheng was stunned, he couldn't tell what it was like in his heart.

In the hearts of the second uncle and the second aunt, Xin'er is their own, so his thoughts...

He originally wanted to confess, but he hesitated deeply, so let's talk about it later.

Just thinking of moving to the county seat and being able to see their daughter from time to time, both Ye Laiyin and the Wang family were very excited, and they began to count up their excitement.

"I'm thinking, 1000 taels of silver can buy a good second-entry house in the county, and then prepare a small yard for Xin'er."

"Well, it doesn't matter if you spend more money, the main thing is to get away from the He residence."

"That's right, the closer the better, it's best to go to the opposite door. My daughter can go home after leaving the He family."

Ye Xusheng...

"Then this money? Embezzle the child first?"

Mrs. Wang hesitated a bit. She missed her daughter, and her heart ached. She wished she could move to the county tomorrow and see her baby bump every day.

But the money was earned by the child, so she was not willing to use it.

Ye Laiyin pondered for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Xin'er's money is still saved for her, and she will use it to buy a dowry in the future. I heard that a lady from a rich family will be laughed at at her in-law's house if her dowry is reduced."

"Now that the He family is the second householder, how can we afford to buy a decent dowry for our daughter?"

"Well, what Xianggong said is that the money should be saved for her and not to be messed with."

As for He Xiner's idea of ​​going to the capital to buy a big house, the couple didn't mention it again.

One is that the eldest nephew said that the money in his hand is not less than that of Xin'er, and the other is that the daughter will no longer be able to go to the capital with her, and the couple, naturally, where the daughter is, where are they.

And they are separated from the old house.

They don't need to worry about those things, the elder nephews will make proper arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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