Chapter 1526 Finally Come True

In the end, Ye Laiyin and Wang's made up their minds, He Xiner's banknotes would not be changed, and they would be saved for her.

Although they don't have any money in their hands now, they don't feel embarrassed at all.

"In a few days, I will start picking wild fruits. At least there will be two or three hundred taels in the account, and those pink leopards. My daughter said that it is unique. Others will definitely not be able to think of it. The price can't be lower. Yes. When the sale is made at the end of the year, there will be another large sum of money, um, it’s almost enough to buy two houses, enough for our family of four to live in.”

Ye Laiyin's face was full of light, and his spirit was high.

Mrs. Wang was also very happy from ear to ear, "When my sister-in-law and the others come, we will set up the shop immediately."

Ye Xusheng's eyes flickered lightly, a family of four?
"Why haven't you seen Wang's cousin?"

"Oh, the child said that he felt uncomfortable staying in the West Room, so he went with Yuanyuan's family yesterday."

Ye Xusheng nodded.

When this topic was brought up, the smile on Wang's face faded again. She turned her head and looked at her daughter's bedroom through the gap of the carved partition, and her heart was filled with tenderness again. I won't see Xin'er for several months..."

"When you move to the county seat, you can see him whenever you want, so bear with it for now."

"It's not that you have to save enough money to buy a house. The boss has plenty in his hands. It's no problem to borrow some to use first. It's just that the business of this wild fruit is purely for money. It's a pity if you don't do it. With the Pink Panther, it is a joint venture with the old masters, so it is better to do it together."

"I'm just afraid that Xin'er will be alone in the He Mansion, and if she is wronged, there will be no one to talk to and comfort her..."

When Wang talked about the emotion, she choked up.

Her precious girl has a pure temperament and a pure heart, how can she adapt to the crooked calculations of the rich?
Ahhh, those women in the deep house are all cunning, as cunning as a fox, and as fierce as a wolf. Her daughter is a fresh and delicious little white rabbit. Everyone wants to bite her and bully her, but what should I do?
The more Wang thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, and she couldn't help crying.

Speaking of this, Ye Laiyin also had a distressed face.

"My lady, don't cry. Your body is important. The doctor said that you should pay special attention to the first three months. You can't work too hard, and you can't be too sad. If my daughter knows, she will feel distressed..."

"The first three months? Second aunt?"

Ye Xusheng, who had been thinking about things in silence, suddenly raised his head.

Ye Laiyin's swarthy face was ruddy, and he grinned, "Haha, in ten months, Xu Sheng will be the eldest brother again..."

Even Mrs. Wang smiled with tears in her eyes, "Xin'er has been longing to be a big sister for a long time, and now she finally got her wish."

But Ye Xusheng's mind exploded with a bang, buzzing non-stop.

If I had known, I would have known this was the case. Back then, he directly took He Jiaming's life. That kid had vicious thoughts and cruel methods. He repeatedly attacked Xin'er. He wanted to kill him a long time ago.

The second uncle and aunt of the left and right didn't know that there was such a person as him, even if he died, he would not be sad at all.

But at that time, he thought that that person was the only blood of his second uncle and aunt, so he really couldn't help himself.

But now that he has returned to Lao Ye's house, it is difficult to do anything else.

His eyes flickered.

Forget it, just wait and see.

After waiting for a while, Ye Xusheng said in a deep voice, "Second Aunt can take care of herself at home, don't worry about Xin'er, I will take care of her."


Ye Laiyin and his wife looked at him with wide eyes, his appearance was a little cute, which made Ye Xusheng laugh.

"Master Li recommended me to study at Qingyun Academy in the county seat. I'll get up and go to the county seat tomorrow. One is to take the exam at the academy, and the other is to visit Xiner by the way."

Ye Laiyin and Wang were overjoyed.

"You Xusheng is taking care of your daughter in the county town, so you just keep your heart in your stomach, don't think about it, it's important to take care of your body."


(End of this chapter)

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