The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1527 The result was miscalculated

Chapter 1527 The result was miscalculated

Cao's wages have always been paid by the second room, and now that Ye Laiyin wants to share the money with the family, Cao instinctively wants to go to the second room.

But Mrs. Wang didn't have the nerve to go too far. She thought that with Mrs. Cao around, her father-in-law could still have a delicious meal, but she really couldn't count on her sister-in-law's incomprehensible.

She doesn't want to worry about the past, whether it's resentment or hatred.

The left and right old godmothers have already been punished. As for the father-in-law, he has always been kind to their second wife and Xin'er.

Also, it's not that much resentment.

In short, the second room didn't take Cao Shi away, she was still working in the old house.

Xiaoqian was quite proud.

Thinking that it was finally her turn to be the master of the old Ye family, she was a little impatient to show her authority, but when she came back from the town, she couldn't find anyone from the Cao family.

After thinking about it for a while, she knew that Mrs. Cao had gone to the second room.

Xiaoqian was furious, and wanted to find someone, but suddenly heard the sound of Lang Lang reading, she was overjoyed instantly, there was no time to trouble Cao, she put her youngest son in the house first, and let the stupid Ye Feifeng together play with him.

Leaving the east wing alone, she stroked the broken hair at her temples, touched the silver hairpin on her head, and twisted her waist to knock on the door of the west wing.

The boy Ah Sheng opened the door expressionlessly, "What's the matter?"

"Hey, dead thing..."

Little Qian was so annoyed by his attitude, she opened her mouth to scold, but when she thought of something, she hurriedly stopped the car again, "Well, I am the eldest wife of the family, remember? I will call someone when I see you later, no No big or small."

She is now the head of the old Ye family's mistress, and it's a shame that a servant dares to show her face.

Asheng was told by the old lady that he went to the countryside with his oppressed master. He felt aggrieved, but there was nothing he could do. Why did his whole family work as slaves in the He Mansion, and he was still paid by the He Manor? of.

But Lao Ye's family has nothing to do with him, he is a servant, and he is only the master's servant, and has nothing to do with others.

"I don't know any big lady."


As soon as the merciless words fell, there was a loud closing sound of the door.

Xiaoqian pouted dangerously.

When she was about to yell and scold, she was thinking about taking advantage of He Jiaming's hand, and she didn't dare to offend people too much, but she couldn't swallow it without scolding him bloody.

Well, this dead thing is not paid by Lao Ye's family, and it comes from a rich family, so it's not easy to handle it casually, and she still wants to benefit from his master, so she let this dead thing go first.

Xiaoqian's belly was raging, and he spat fiercely at the west room, then stomped his feet resentfully, turned around and ran to the second room.

If the old lady doesn't get angry, everyone will be turned upside down!
Take down the bitch surnamed Cao first, so that this dead thing can see her tricks.

Hmph, open your dog eyes and see who is in charge of this family.

Little Qian was panting heavily, with a fierce look on her face, and was about to enter the second-bedroom house, but was stopped by Ye Laiyin, who was doing work.

"This is my home, you are not welcome here."

"Fuck, it's so rare for my old lady to say that, yes, I came to find my family's servants, all the shameless things have been separated, and I even bullied the surnamed Cao to work for your family..."

"Bang! Bang!"


He feels confident and righteous, and Ye Laiyin has already left the house, and he has always been afraid of her little Qian, but now he feels fearless, scolding as much as he wants, without his father-in-law and husband-in-law around, and no one to support him.

She didn't believe it anymore, Ye Laiyin dared to fight her in front of the workers and those people who were watching the excitement at the alley.

It turned out to be a miscalculation.

Ye Laiyin didn't do anything, just threw two green bricks casually, startled her, jumped and dodged, accidentally twisted her foot, the pain was so painful that she burst into tears and snot, She simply sat down on the ground and started splashing, "God, I'm dead..."

(End of this chapter)

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