Chapter 1529 You just agree
"Mom, let's buy a house in the county too, okay? I want to play with Xin'er every day."

Ye Yuanyuan's pretty face was flushed with excitement, and her beautiful almond eyes were shining brightly, staring at her mother expectantly, lest she say a word "no".

Ever since He Xiner left, she and Wang Jinling's little friend had beaten the eggplants with Shuang, yes, they were wilting, and they didn't even have the energy to eat, let alone earn money.

Even Mrs. Bai is not in the mood to do work. She brought two maids to accompany Mrs. Wang to pass the time, and she was afraid that she would be depressed and make something happen.

I hurt my body during childbirth. After waiting for so many years, I finally got the news. It was a happy event, but it was just a coincidence that this incident happened to girl Xin. She was really afraid that Mrs. Wang would be too sad, Stretch your body.

As a result, when she and the two maids came to the door full of anxiety, they saw a rosy and beaming Wang family.

She was a little confused.

Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling were also a little confused.

Mrs. Wang said cheerfully that when they moved to the county in the new year, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling jumped up happily, and Mrs. Bai was also overjoyed. She thought of this idea earlier, so she didn't have to waste so many tears. She is uncomfortable.

In fact, she felt even more sorry for Mrs. Wang who fainted from crying.

Now Mrs. Wang has something to look forward to, and she is in a good mood, and she is also happy.

In order to show her support, she even boldly asked for money, and even more impatiently went straight to the county town to look at the house tomorrow.

On the contrary, Mrs. Wang could hold her breath, saying that it would not be too late to finish picking the wild fruits of this season. There were elder nephews around the county, so she felt at ease.

When Bai thought about it, it was the same reasoning. Last year's season of wild fruit, but exchanged nearly 1000 taels of silver, and each family got more than 300 taels. This is not a small amount, and it must not be given up.

So, the two women and the two maids discussed it happily, and there was no rush for the wild fruits in these two days, and it would not be too late to pick them together when Liu's mother and daughter came back.

The Pink Panther can't delay any longer, it's going to start right now, and it will work overtime even if there is nothing to do at night. In short, the more you do, the better.

The interest of several people to make money has reached an unprecedented high.

Oh, Mrs. Cao, who arrived later, heard that the second house made money to buy a house, and immediately said that she would also like to help.

Bai Shi and Wang Shi beamed with joy, and set her a daily wage of fifty Wen.

Cao Shi couldn't refuse again and again, so she agreed first.

So, the small doll workshop started bustlingly, and the three women and two maids were all bloodied, not to mention the excitement.

No, Ye Yuanyuan just thought of moving to the county, so she could ask Xin'er to play with her every day, she couldn't bear it anymore, she couldn't wait to go home to discuss her father, so she entangled her mother first.

As long as her mother agrees to something, her father will hardly object.

Mrs. Bai was concentrating on embroidering the head of the pink leopard. Hearing this, she chuckled, "We don't have a separate family. We built that house and it's enough to make a hole. If you go to the county town to buy a house, your four aunts will definitely go crazy."

"Cut, I don't need their money!"

Ye Yuanyuan pouted.

It's not easy for Mrs. Wang to express her opinion, but she still hoped that his family would move to the county seat in her heart. One was reluctant to separate, and the other hoped that the two families could have a helper together.

Cao Shi couldn't say anything.

Only little girl Wang Jinling had no scruples, she threw the cotton in her hand, rushed over to hug Bai's arm and acted like a baby, "Auntie, just promise~"

Both Wang and Cao watched the excitement with smiles on their faces, and Ye Yuanyuan also imitated Wang Jinling, pinching her voice to be cute, "Mother, just agree~~~"

The three women laughed loudly, and Bai's shoulders shook even more, "It's not embarrassing for such a big girl to learn how to act like a spoiled child like Girl Ling..."

(End of this chapter)

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