The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1530 He Just Wants To Be Quiet

Chapter 1530 He Just Wants To Be Quiet
Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling's little friend were not forgiving, and they were very clingy around Bai Shi, which made Bai Shi lose his temper. She patted the little girl with a doting face, "Ling girl, be good, wait for your uncle to come back!" Discuss and discuss, and then make up your mind, okay?"

"Yeah, ok, ok, ok, ok!"

The villain nodded like a chicken eating rice, making the three women laugh.

Ye Yuanyuan joyfully hugged the little girl and said "baji" and said, "Sister loves you so much!"


There was laughter in the East Wing.

Ye Laiyin, who directed people to build the kitchen and the gate of the house, also had a smile on his lips and was in a high mood.

Not long after, Ye Shitian and Ye Mancang, who went to buy mahogany and copper ring house gates after delivering the food, came back and helped with the work with the four brothers Ye Zutian and Ye Mantun after hearing the news.

Because there was no place to cook, at noon, Ye Zutian and others went home alone, Ye Laiyin did not show any courtesy to them, and invited them to dinner after the kitchen was built.

Ye Shitian and his father still had something to say, so they left in no hurry.

At this time, Mrs. Cao went back to the old house to cook, and only her own people were there.

"Go to the county to buy a house?"

Ye Mancang shouted excitedly, "Ah, why didn't I think of that? Great, great..."

He escorted He Xiner all the way to the He Mansion. He looked coldly at the extremely disrespectful attitude of the servants of the He Manor, and felt depressed, but he didn't dare to mention it to his uncle, aunt, parents, and Yuanyuan.

Feeling that he was useless, his heart was quite heavy, and he only hoped that Dabai would come back quickly so as to protect Sister Xin'er.

He always hides a worry, he is depressed.

Now that I heard this good idea, when I was so happy, the loud voice almost knocked over the roof, so annoyed that Mrs. Bai wanted to throw the embroidery shed in his hand, "Slow down, I will surprise your second aunt!"

"Hey, yes, yes, I'm just so happy, hehe——"

Ye Laiyin and Wang Shi looked at each other with a chuckle, both filled with relief.

Whether it's this child or Xu Sheng, they both really love their daughter and are good children.

"Father, you should say something~"

My own father and old god were there, sitting quietly and not expressing his opinion, making Ye Yuanyuan scratch her ears and cheeks in anxiety.

Everyone in the room looked at it together, their eyes were so hot that they almost melted Ye Shitian.

"Boss, I won't force you to do other things, but you have to work with me on moving to the county seat. The two of us have to work together to make a living and cannot be separated."

Ye Laiyin's attitude was tough and he couldn't argue.

"Brother and sister-in-law, don't you expect your grandson to study hard? The academies in the county town are much better than those in the countryside..."

Even Wang, who has always been tactful, couldn't help persuading her.

"Father, I'm going to the county seat, and I want to play with Xin'er every day."

"Father, let's use our own money without disturbing others, so what's there to be undecided about?"

"Uncle, just promise~"

Ye Shitian...

Did he say he won't go to the county seat?

Isn't he just slow to react?
As for yes, just buzzing around him like this?

He just wanted to be quiet.

I think he is a big bastard, and he has lived a long time. He is not selling dolls, and he has never been to the county seat. He has earned money. The most he wants is to buy more fertile land, and then provide for his grandson to study well. Had no other thoughts.

Now suddenly discussing going to the county to buy a house in the next year, he can't believe it.

He is a mud leg, but he can also be a city resident?
His grandson can also study in the academy in the county?
It seems like a dream.

"Buy, buy a house, go to the county seat!"

Ye Shitian finally determined that it wasn't a dream, he waved his big hands, raised his voice, and made a bold nod.

"Oh oh oh--"

Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling cheered loudly, causing Daha to also wag his tail and boo.

Then everyone beamed.

(End of this chapter)

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