The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1531 Mrs. 2's Person

Chapter 1531 Second Lady's Person

With Ye Shitian's words, everyone's blood boiled with excitement, and Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling screamed with joy.

After calming down a bit, Ye Shitian said in a deep voice, "The matter of buying a house, we all know it in our own minds, and don't mention it to the public, so as not to cause some pink-eye problems."

His brothers and nephews are all good, but he is afraid that those brothers and sisters and his good elder sister will become demons if they find out.

It's not that I'm afraid, it's just annoying.

"Our family's own money, what's in the way of others?"

Ye Yuanyuan was dissatisfied and muttered softly.

But Ye Mancang slapped his thigh and shouted, "Sister Xin'er gave our brothers a good job, I forgot to mention."

"You stupid thing! Your brain is filled with mud? You can forget such important things!"

Before he knew what was going on, Ye Shitian became angry.

Ye Mancang shrunk his neck and smiled foolishly.

Seeing that Ye Laiyin was amused, "Boss, don't scold him, in case you can't stand the scare, you will forget it."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Ye Mancang also laughed.

Enough laughing, Ye Mancang said this about Kikyo, Ye Shitian was overjoyed, and everyone else was also very happy.

It was unanimously decided that, according to He Xiner's intention, the business would be handed over to Brother Ye Mancangjiu, and it was theirs who made more or less.

Bai Shi straightly said that with such a business to make a living, his family just bought a house to learn Zhuangzi, no matter how big the money is, he is not afraid of Ning Shi's slander.

As for Ye Juxiang, she didn't even mention it.

In short, the matter of moving to the county seat in the next year has been settled so happily, and everyone is gearing up to make money.

That's called a passionate and passionate~

Let's say that the second wife, Kong, was obedient and obedient, in front of the old lady, she should order clothes and accessories for He Xiner, but she forgot about it when she turned her head, and didn't even mention it.

He Xiner doesn't care.She has no shortage of clothes to wear.

It's just that, no matter how strict you are on food, it's too much.

The porridge, steamed buns and pickles in the morning are nothing more than that, and she can't eat a few mouthfuls, she just feels wronged.

She had no intention of causing trouble, so she didn't say anything.

But at noon, I took a small plate of boiled tofu and a small plate of vegetarian fried potato shreds to send her away, what kind of trouble is it going to do?
He Xiner looked at Luo Hua on Baozi's face faintly, "Is this the lady's meal?"

The other party was terrified, lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Miss Hui, Lady Zhao gave this when the servant girl went to the big kitchen."

"Miss Zhao?"

"It's the kitchen steward..."

The little servant girl quietly raised her head to glance at her, then hurriedly lowered her head and said softly, "Ms. Zhao is the newly appointed lady in charge after the second wife took charge of the house."

He Xiner understood.

"Second lady's person?"

Xian Xiansu tapped the table with her hands, He Xiner's tone was flat.

The little maid lowered her head even lower.

The light rain with a pointed oval face stood quietly, looking at his nose and heart with his eyes.

"Then what about you two? Are you from the second wife?"

Both of them raised their heads in surprise, and they met a pair of clear and bright eyes, which were clean without any impurities.

"The servant girl is Miss's personal servant girl, so naturally she belongs to Miss."

"Miss Hui, our sisters used to do work in the sewing room, and we brought it up because Miss returned home..."

Wei Yu considered each word carefully.

"That is to say, you are not the second wife's people?"

He Xiner continued to ask.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu looked at her blankly
She guessed that the second Mrs. Lao Shizi had not been in charge of the house for a few days, so it would be good if she could replace the manager of the main position with her own person. As for the ear wires——

The He family is just a merchant family, and it's not the royal family seizing power. No matter how ruthless the fight is, they won't secretly cultivate confidants, arrange spies, etc...

That kind of method is too high-handed, not like the second lady can play.

And she doesn't have the ability to foretell, she knew her existence early, and then cultivated spies, just to supervise her.

It's a bit too ridiculous. .

(End of this chapter)

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