Chapter 1532 You all understand
He Xiner's lips twitched slightly.

"Let me guess, when the Second Madam mentioned you two being big maids, she must have asked you to report all my situation to her, right?"

Falling flowers and light rain all stiffened.

"Since I let you do something, there will definitely be some money. How generous is the second lady? How much money did you give?"

Luo Hua was about to cry, but Wei Yu boldly said, "Miss Hui, I don't have any money."

He Xiner raised her eyebrows, obviously in disbelief.

"The maid does not dare to lie to Miss, she really has no money."

"It's no sincerity to ask people to do things without giving some benefits~"

Wei Yu suddenly wanted to laugh, she hastily straightened the corners of her lips, and said in a timid voice, "The two-headed maid at needlework only has one hundred cash per month, and the maid who is close to Miss has eight hundred cash..."

He Xiner looked at her in disbelief, "Using power for personal gain! Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"The servant girl will never betray the lady."

"The servant girl is also the same. I will never betray the young lady."

The two scrambled to express their loyalty, with a look of sincerity and fear.

He Xiner smiled.

"I wrote down what you two said."

She doesn't lack money, but she doesn't want to use bribery to win people's hearts.

Also seeing that neither of them is scheming, or even quite innocent, she doesn't want to buy loyalty with a clear price tag.

It's a long time, it's a long time to see people's hearts~
Seeing her being so generous, Luo Hua and Wei Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt a sense of intimacy in their hearts.

After talking for a long time, He Xiner was thirsty, she picked up the tea cup and drank it, put it down calmly, and got up.

"You take the food box and send these two dishes back to the kitchen."


Luo Hua and Wei Yu didn't linger, they put the two side dishes and a bowl of porridge back into the food box, and Wei Yu carried them.

Since they are Miss's personal maids, they naturally want to listen to Miss.

"Daha is going with my sister, looking for meat to eat."

He Xiner yelled Daha, took two maids and left the house.

"Wei Yu, arrange someone to guard the yard and not go out to play."


She handed the food box to Luo Hua, and went to arrange it.

The four little maids were still young, and it was noon, and they didn't have much work, so some people couldn't help going out to play, and she had to keep an eye on them.

He Xiner let Luo Hua lead the way, and she led Daha to follow without rushing.

Today is a good weather, the autumn air is crisp, the clouds are light and the wind is light~
He Xiner's heart was like still water.

Along the way, she ignored the flowers, plants, trees, buildings, pavilions and pavilions around her, until a strong sweet smell came with the breeze, and she stopped.

"Where did you get the sweet-scented osmanthus?"

"Miss Hui, there is a 40-year-old golden osmanthus tree in the back garden. It has luxuriant branches and leaves, golden flowers, and a strong fragrance that can waft ten miles away."

He Xiner's heart moved slightly, and she missed her father and mother again.

"Let's go."


The kitchen of He's mansion is a separate small yard, not too big, and it is neatly tidied up. He Xiner didn't pay attention to other things, and directly brought two maids and a dog into the kitchen.

Wei Yu just rushed over, but it happened just in time, so there was no delay.

It was more than half noon, and the masters of all schools and courtyards had already had lunch, and now a group of cooks and maids and maids were eating.

"Ms. Zhao's craftsmanship is getting better and better, and the taste of braised tofu is incredible."

"Yeah, let me tell you, this seemingly simple dish of rapeseed is not simple, it's green and shiny, and it's very refreshing."

"It's really a blessing for us to follow Mrs. Zhao."

"Who doesn't tell me, how could the previous steward cook for us?"

"Everyone's mouths are covered with honey?"

An extremely sharp and trembling voice sounded, "Who told me that I don't have the life to be a young lady, I just count on this skill to make a living, so naturally I can't be unfamiliar, and practice my hands from time to time."

"Hey, the bumpkin who just came from the country has a lady's life, yes, yes, you all understand, haha——"

(End of this chapter)

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