The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1533 Are You Talking About Me?

Chapter 1533 Are You Talking About Me?

"A bumpkin from the country? Are you talking about me?"

The people in the kitchen gathered around to eat with their backs to the door, eating happily and chatting lively, no one noticed that someone came in, until a clear and pleasant voice sounded.

The laughter stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked back.

A young girl with picturesque features, slim and elegant, with a myriad of manners.

She has a calm face, clear eyes, neither happy nor sad, neither angry nor angry, and her heart is like still water.

Outside the door was the bright autumn sun, and her slender figure was a little thin, without any imposing manner at all.

Everyone in the kitchen was stunned at first, then rolled their eyes, looked at me, looked at you, and finally all looked at the woman who called the bumpkin.

The woman was extremely fat, short and short, just a short winter melon, with a big head and short neck, big arms, round waist and not long legs.

If you eat like this, you have a grudge against yourself, right?
The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

Looking straight at her with clear eyes, he asked again, "The bumpkin from the countryside, do you mean me?"

The woman was stunned.

She was just following Mrs. Zhao's words and talking casually, so she never expected to be caught on the spot.

Even if she knew that this fourth young lady had no power, power, or support in the house, but after all she occupied the title of master, it was okay to sneer behind her back, but when faced with it, she still felt a little guilty.

"Hui, back to Miss Si, old slave, old slave dare not, dare not talk about Miss behind her back, Miss has misunderstood..."


He Xiner raised her eyebrows, her eyes were cold.

Mrs. Zhao secretly rolled her eyes, she is just a wild girl who can't stand on the stage, and she ran to the kitchen to set up the eldest lady's score, see what you can do.

She glanced fiercely at Luohua and Weiyu, and finally looked at Daha who was standing obediently at He Xiner's feet. She thought to herself, this fake Fourth Miss, just because she has a dog, she thinks everyone is afraid of her?

Hmph, that's fantastic.

"Miss Si really misunderstood, the old slave is just, just..."

"Hey, the kitchen is such a crude place, with heavy oil and dirt, how can a lady come here? Don't let people look down upon you, and think that you are born to do dirty work."

Lady Zhao rolled her eyes, exaggeratedly bluffed, and then stared fixedly at Luo Hua and Wei Yu, "Will you two low-handed people serve others? Hurry up and take Fourth Miss back! If you are late, Fourth Miss, be careful." The second lady has peeled off your skin!"

She yelled and cursed with barking teeth and claws, spraying so much spittle, her attitude was extremely arrogant.

While Dwarf Winter Melon breathed a sigh of relief, she was secretly annoyed, why would she be afraid of such a worthless country bumpkin? See how majestic Mrs. Zhao is, she is indeed the second lady's favorite person.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu stood still, their faces slightly pale.

He Xiner frowned, disgusted in her heart.

"Who are you? There are no rules like this?"

Mrs. Zhao was thinking proudly that she must be ashamed and embarrassed when she was pointed at her nose and scolded like that, she was so ashamed that she wished she could meet her on the ground, but unexpectedly she still stood there calmly, with no other changes except her eyes became colder. .

And she is so calm!

For a moment, Mrs. Zhao's heart jumped in panic, but she quickly suppressed it.

What's so taboo about a girl who is nothing?
"Look at what the fourth lady is talking about? I am an old man in the house, and I am also the lady in charge appointed by the second wife. I manage the back kitchen and take care of all the master's meals. The masters in the whole house have no A wrong choice, how did it come to the mouth of the Fourth Miss, and turned out to be ignorant of the rules?"

"Even though Miss Si is the master, she can't mess around and wrong people. Ouch, I'm going to die of aggrieved life!"

(End of this chapter)

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