Chapter 1542

The two little maids were stunned.

Is the lady afraid that they will hurt her body? !

Does the lady care about them?
Just as she was in a daze, she heard He Xiner rummaging through the box, found a stack of brocade handkerchiefs, and looked through them first, "These handkerchiefs are all new, you guys choose first, if anyone doesn't like it The flowers and colors are placed to thank the mother-in-law who helped me."

She thought it was funny, and when she looked up, she smiled brightly at the two little maids, almost dazzled them.

"Don't hold back, choose whichever you like."

"Thank you, miss."

"Miss Xie."

The dazed little maid finally came to her senses, and thanked happily for taking the handkerchief.

Seeing that the two really like each other, He Xiner is also in a good mood, "What's your name?"

"Miss Hui, maidservant Xiaoju."

"Miss Hui, my servant Xiaoli."

He Xiner smiled, feelings are two fruits.

With the gift of thanks, the two little maids were very confident when they asked for help, and they quickly found two women with big waists and thick waists.

It's just that if you lift things, you can get a beautiful brocade handkerchief. The two women are still very happy, and their attitude is super good. When they saw He Xiner, they saluted respectfully, without any slight of neglect.

In fact, He Xiner didn't really care too much, as long as it wasn't too much and she could get by.

Smiling, she dismissed the helpful woman, and she directed Xiaoju and Xiaoli to take out all kinds of dolls from the box and place them on the bedside.

The other big wooden boxes were cleaned up, except for the seasonal clothes and shoes, which were moved to the big closet, and the others were just written down what they had, and they were not moved for the time being.

Only this big wooden box had a brass lock on it, and Luo Hua, who was in charge of the items, didn't know what was inside.

Money boxes, dowry and other valuables are all concentrated here, and then there are various dolls, and some rare items of He Xiner.

The two little maids, after all, are still young, and they are duty-bound. They are not interested in any valuables owned by the master. They only care about soft dolls, but they dare not hold them and play with them. They just stare at them with bright eyes. , looking like he wants to see what's in his eyes.

He Xiner's eyes dimmed.

Losing interest, I handed everything over to a few servant girls, leading Daha out of the yard.

Looking for the rich and sweet fragrance, she went straight to the back garden.

The few servants she met on the road were fairly well-behaved, but she didn't want to talk to her.

Standing under the tall sweet-scented osmanthus tree, she looked up, the dense branches and leaves cut the sunlight into fragmented light spots, and the small and exquisite golden flowers were densely packed.It seems like the broken gold dotted in the green leaves, crystal clear and golden~
The refreshing aroma made people feel refreshed, and He Xiner's mood improved a little.

"Haha, I miss Yuanyuan..."

She found a clean stone and sat down, hugged Daha, and talked to it.

"I still miss my cousin, and my father, mother, and big brother..."

Daha rubbed her hand, as if to comfort her.

"Oh, I don't know why Brother Guan hasn't come back yet, I'm afraid your master will forget about us."

Talking about her thoughts, she became more and more exhausted and sleepy, she hugged Daha, and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

At this time, He Chuer and He Qier were rushing to Qingxin's secluded residence together.

When He Xiner first arrived in He's residence, no one mentioned anything, and the two maids beside her were also newcomers, so they forgot to greet the old lady in the morning, and she was happy not to ask.

So, He Chuer and He Qier, who were dressed up early in the morning, who had never seen her, sneered at her at that time, saying that she was really a country girl and didn't know the rules at all.

At that time, the second wife was also eager to make a big fuss about this matter, and wanted to label her as unfilial.

In the end, the old lady spoke, saying that the fourth girl had just arrived, and it was not a big deal if she didn't know the rules.

They had no choice but to give up.

But after hearing the news, the two of them couldn't sit still...

(End of this chapter)

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