The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1543 Where is He Xiner from?

Chapter 1543 Where is He Xiner from?

As concubine daughters, the two of them have always been crushed by the prestige and halo of the concubine daughter, the only thing that can feel a sense of accomplishment is having a father who loves them.

But He Lan'er is not very valued by the Elder Master.

For this reason, He Chu'er and He Qi'er often laughed at He Lan'er, who was the daughter-in-law. Of course, they laughed behind their backs, but they would not dare to do so in front of others.

After all, He Lan'er, as the only concubine's daughter in the family and the eldest granddaughter, her status is much higher than the two of them, and she is the eldest wife in charge of the family. They are not stupid enough to offend people in person and fall into the trap of others.

Every time they are stimulated by He Laner's gorgeous and extravagant outfits, the two of them would whisper secretly, making fun of her for not being loved by her own father, and taunting her heartily, the depressed heart can always feel happy .

But mostly depressed.

Who told the eldest lady to be in charge of the house? If there is anything good, she should stick to the concubine daughter first, and the two concubine daughters in the next room can only stand aside.

This breath is stuck in the chest, like a big stone is pressed, let alone aggrieved.

They thought they would never be able to get out of this sulking mood in this life, just like their grandmother, the old matriarch who lived in Uncle Yongchang's mansion, never expected to have the day when she could overwhelm the halo of the daughter-in-law.

Unexpectedly, the eldest lady suddenly fell from power.

However, He Lan'er is already a married woman, she will not be affected much, and she will not be depressed. With the subsidies from the eldest lady over the years, plus her own generous dowry, even if she can no longer take advantage of her mother's family in the future, she will still be glamorous and decent.

In short, it is more decent than them.

Anyway, they can't catch up, let alone overwhelm others.

But isn't this a country bumpkin~
The eldest lady has already fallen, the elder doesn't care about the affairs of the back house, and he doesn't care about girls. As for the old lady, hehe, it's just for saving face.

She is just a poor little wretch that no one wants to see, she just allows others to be mean, she can be squashed if she wants to be flattened, and she can be rounded if she wants to be rounded.

He Chu'er and He Qi'er are so happy in their hearts, this time they will not be polite, and they will definitely trample this so-called prostitute under their feet, so that everyone can see her embarrassed appearance.

For this reason, the two were so excited that they almost went crazy.

Although He Xiner's temperament, appearance and dress were completely different from the image of a country girl they imagined, they were greatly surprised.

But thinking that she has already arrived at the mansion, she has fallen into the hands of the second lady, and there is no one to protect her, and she is just the weeds on the side of the road, allowing them to step on them however they want...

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

The two of them were familiar with Kong's temperament, and knew that she couldn't wait for a moment to make He Xiner lose face and control her, so they were not in a hurry, and just waited to watch the show slowly.

By the way, it's still necessary to laugh and laugh, and it's okay to be idle, you have to have some fun, right?

So, they waited for the second lady to rub her out of her temper, and then stepped on her feet a few times.

But what did they hear?
At that time, the two were getting together, discussing how to dress for tomorrow, when they suddenly heard that the second wife's housekeeping rights were taken away, both of them were shocked.

After I figured out the ins and outs of everything, I couldn't sit still anymore...

What are you going to do in a hurry to Qingxin Youju?

I really didn't think about it.

It seemed that if he didn't see He Xiner, he, couldn't confirm the authenticity of the matter.

Walking hurriedly all the way, the two young ladies, who did not touch the spring water with their fingers, were so tired that they were out of breath and dripping with sweat.

"Where's He Xiner?"

Entering the courtyard, I could hear that the tea room was very lively. The two young ladies didn't bother to go to the place where the servants were doing their work to see the scenery, so they went straight into the hall, and there was no one there.

These two were not polite, they had already seen the figure behind the screen, they twisted their waists and walked into the room, watching Luo Hua lead a little maid to set up the curtain.

(End of this chapter)

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