The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1545 It's worth your shouting

Chapter 1545 It's worth your shouting
He Xiner, who was taking a nap while smelling the fragrance of flowers, was woken up by the little maid.

The mid-autumn sun is warm and bright, and it shines warmly on the body, but it is not cold.

It's just that the posture is not very comfortable. She hugged her knees with one hand and hugged Da Ha with the other.

The confused He Xiner yawned, and looked at the little maid with misty eyes.

She obviously fell asleep in her gazebo, smelling the fragrance of flowers, why did she find herself in a strange place when she opened her eyes?

Who is the person in front of me?

Where did Yuanyuan, Cuizhi and her cousin go?
"Miss, miss..."

He Xiner suddenly came back to her senses, "What's the matter?"

"Second Miss and Third Miss went to our yard, Sister Luohua asked the servant girl to come to you."

"Oh, let's go."

She looked calm, and walked back after yelling haha.

After entering the yard, she could hear the tea room was very lively. The corners of her lips curled up, and she was in a pretty good mood.

Having a small kitchen is much more convenient.

It's just that the good mood at this time didn't last long. When she saw that her favorite doll was about to be pulled out of shape, she was very unhappy.


Luo Hua looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally hoped for her back, her eyes lit up with a swipe, and she shouted very loudly.

He Chuer and He Qier looked up.

I saw her wearing a sky blue cotton skirt and a simple double flat bun. There were no gold hairpins or silver hairpins, only a pair of exquisite and small hibiscus silk flowers, which were elegant and beautiful.

The fabrics of He Xiner's clothes are all good, but they are not as exquisite as the clothes of the He family's women. Most of her dresses are simple and light, and they are basically tight-fitting jackets with narrow sleeves and long nude skirts.

Several sets of gorgeous dresses with wide sleeves were custom-made for her by Ye Xusheng.

On the other hand, He Chuer and He Qier, the plump pipa sleeves are full of embroidered cotton satin stand-up collar gowns, which are dignified and magnificent; the cloud shoulders made of colorful embroidery are like clouds reflecting the sun after the rain, and rainbows scattered in the clear sky, beautiful;

Six jacquard gold-woven satin horse skirts, er, if laid flat, would be nine feet long, extremely luxurious and extravagant.

Beads and hairpins, earrings and rings, gold collars, suet jade pendants...they are full of precious jewels and precious beyond words.

It's just that the two of them are not as beautiful as He Xin'er, who wore heavy makeup at a young age, and she was full of grace and wealth. She lost the innocence and childishness of a girl, and became more kitsch and worldly.

However, the two of them were not conscious of this, and felt that their gorgeous outfits compared He Xiner's simple and elegant clothes, and they had a sense of superiority.

Hmph, country bumpkins are country bumpkins, even if they come from a better family and don't need to wear coarse linen clothes, they can't compare with He Fu.

Look at how poor you are, you don't even have any decent jewelry...

Always feel something is wrong.

"Miss, please put down the doll in your hand, I don't like others to touch my things."

He Xiner's face was calm, her eyes were clear, and her voice was cold.

He Qi'er, who couldn't figure out where not to move, finally knew where not to move, it was a doll in her hand.

How can a person who can afford such a rare item be poor?
He Qier suddenly felt her teeth sore.

He Chuer also had a sullen face.

No one can be happy when they hear such words.

"Fourth sister is really stingy, but it's just a gadget for entertainment when you are idle and bored. We sisters are just looking at it casually, and it's worth your shouting..."

"That's right, I don't know, but I think it's a big baby who moved something~"

He Xiner didn't want to waste any more words, so she directly reached out, "Here."

"You, you... really don't talk about etiquette at all!"

"As expected of a wild kid from the countryside..."

The two of them, who had been shamelessly manipulated by her, were so angry that blue smoke rose from their heads. .

(End of this chapter)

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