The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1546 Do you want to go out?

Chapter 1546 Do you want to go out?

He Xiner frowned.

"Even if the two young ladies can't get used to me, a wild kid from the countryside, they just act as if they don't see me when they see each other. I won't run up to you two and obstruct your eyes. Please don't bother me." My peace."

Originally, if you don't like it, you just ignore it, and save yourself a lot of trouble.

But what is the meaning of you running here so fast, and still tossing vigorously?
He Qier was outraged, her eyes were about to pop out, her face was blushing, blue and purple, in short, it was as ugly as it could be. .

"you you……"

She pointed at He Xiner with her right finger, and just about to say something, a flash of light suddenly flashed in her mind, causing her to immediately withdraw her hand in fright.

Immediately, thinking of the Elder Master supporting her, she restrained herself subconsciously, not daring to point her nose and swear at others.

He Chuer forced himself to suppress the unhappiness in his heart, pulled the corners of his mouth, and stared at her with a half-smile, "Fourth sister, we are all in the same family, and we are cousins ​​of the same grandfather. People are inferior, let people listen to it, and they will think you are ungrateful..."

"It's not affectionate in the first place, so why pretend to be close? Please go back, both of you."

He Xin'er gave her a strange look, and threw down such a sentence without any emotion, and then ignored her, washing her hands on her own, completely ignoring the other party, which made He Chu'er grind her teeth in annoyance.

Originally, it was just a mud maker, and I could make it however I wanted, but I didn't know it was such a temper.

That's right, she must be relying on the support of the old man, so she was emboldened and dared to challenge the two of them...

Thinking of this at the same time, He Chuer and He Qier quickly exchanged glances, did not stop any longer, and left angrily.

He Xiner didn't take it seriously at all, what should she do?


And speaking of Ye Xusheng in the county seat, he was not in a hurry to see He Xiner.

He was going to Qingyun Academy to study, and his family was supposed to live in the Shuxue dormitory, but he didn't want to, and was stuck in the academy all day long.

First I went to the dental office to rent a house, but there was no suitable one for a while, because the surrounding area of ​​He Mansion is full of big families, and there is no smaller yard to rent out.

He pondered for a moment, but he didn't say clearly that He's mansion was the center, he only said that any house less than two streets away from that street could be used, and Yaxing promised to help him search for a suitable house. Will let him know immediately.

After deciding on this matter, he found an inn to settle down, and then went to the county jail.

After getting a few taels of silver, I entered easily.

Eerie, dark, cold and damp, with turbid smells and constant screams...

It's like hell on earth.

Ye Xusheng's expression did not change.

He stood straight in front of the huge cage surrounded by wooden pillars, looking coldly at old Qian who was lying in the haystack like a dead dog.

The person seemed to have sensed it, turned around and looked over, she was overjoyed immediately, her old ashen eyes were astonishingly bright, she threw herself on the pillar, stretched her arms excitedly, trying to catch him, and kept yelling "Ah, ah, ah..."

At this time, the old Qian was skinny, black and dry, her cheeks were sunken, her gray hair was messed up like a chicken coop, and there was a lot of hay hanging on her. She stretched out her skinny claws and opened her mouth wide open. The way it screams is like a ghost.

Ye Xusheng stood like a green pine, never moving.

Old Qian became anxious, and kept yelling at him, his face twisted even more horribly, like a devil who wanted to eat people.

"You want to go out?"

He finally spoke coldly.

Old Qian couldn't help being overjoyed immediately, and nodded frantically.

Ye Xusheng's gaze fell lightly on her hideous and terrifying face, but what he thought of was He Xiner's lifeless appearance. She was soaked in water, her whole body was drenched, her face was pale, her lips were even bloodless, and her heart and breathing were weak. none……

Dull pain in the chest.

Just thinking about what happened to the little girl, he was still so afraid that he could suffocate.

Almost, almost he lost her forever.

"After you poisoned Xin'er, your end can only be a dead end, never expect to leave here."

(End of this chapter)

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