Chapter 1547 Heartbroken?
Old Qian suddenly stopped, her ashen eyes were almost bulging, she couldn't believe it.

In the next second, she yelled like crazy, "Ahhhhhhhhhh—"

Her eyes were about to burst, and she leaned forward desperately, trying to catch the unfilial descendant in front of her.

As long as she catches him, she will definitely tear his skin apart!

Unfilial things cannot be distinguished from closeness and distance.

She is a grandma!
Without her, there would be no father, and there would be no him!

That bitch is nothing but a wild child that no one wants.

Old Qian, who had half of his tongue broken, was yelling and cursing, and even hit the wooden pillar with a loud bang, bang bang, causing all the prisoners in the dungeon to yell and curse.

Ye Xusheng still stands like a green pine.

The guarding jailer, who was so annoyed, also came over cursing, and gave the crazy old Qian Shi two whips. The pain was so painful that she couldn't care less about going crazy, and curled up on the ground screaming, shivering into a ball.

Ye Xusheng's cold eyes did not have the slightest wave.

Compared with Xin'er's life, these sufferings are really nothing.

"Hey, I said kid, you should go..."

Before the jailer could finish his sentence, he was attracted by the small silver ingot that appeared in front of him. He smiled so much that he quickly snatched the ingot, and said in multiple voices, "Thank you for the reward, brother. You can take care of it. You can stay as long as you want." stay How long."

Ye Xusheng's emotions were agitated, and he really didn't feel like making a deal with him. He just nodded to him, expressing his gratitude for his accommodation.

The other party didn't care too much, the rich man was the uncle, even if he was bigger, it was normal.

The jailer left, and incidentally warned the other prisoners not to make any noise. For a moment, the entire dungeon was extremely quiet.

Ye Xusheng was wearing a Confucian scarf and a blouse. He had delicate features and an elegant demeanor. He was definitely an elegant student with both talent and appearance.

He had to go to Qingyun Academy today, so he was wearing a school uniform, forgetting that he would be contaminated with an unpleasant smell in this dark, damp dungeon full of stench.

He frowned lightly, he didn't have the heart to wait any longer, and turned around to leave.

Unexpectedly, the old Qian, who was about to shake into a ball, jumped up suddenly, and the resentment and hostility all over his body radiated ragingly, like a ghost from hell, with hatred to the sky;
She had a ferocious face, looking at Ye Xusheng's thin and straight back, roaring hysterically, wishing she could bite him alive.

Ye Xusheng turned around, and what he saw was a pair of scarlet eyes, which seemed to be jumping with angry flames, as if they would burn him alive at any moment...

His eyes became colder and colder, watching her toss coldly.

There will be even more commotion, but the jailer has just received five taels of silver, and he is in a happy mood, so he doesn't bother to care about this lunatic.The rest of the prisoners cursed angrily, but they were suppressed by old Qian's deafening voice, and they could hardly hear anything, so no one bothered to curse.

Those who were too noisy directly blocked their ears and ignored them.

But Ye Xusheng kept watching coldly.

Until old Qian Shi was exhausted from exhaustion, collapsed on the ground holding the pillar and panting heavily, he suddenly stepped forward and squatted down, looked into her scarlet eyes, and said coldly in a voice that only two people could hear, " You should have guessed that my sister-in-law died at the hands of He Jiaming, but what you don't know is that your good son, my good third uncle, also died at the hands of He Jiaming."

Even the old Qian had guessed it earlier, but he didn't dare to believe it completely. Hearing what he said now, he felt a sense of certainty.

Big drops of tears fell down, old Qian burst into tears.

The two children she loves the most are both dead, in the hands of He Jiaming, and before her. How can she not resent and hate when she is asked to send a white-haired person to a black-haired person?

"It turns out that grandma also has a heart."

Ye Xusheng's eyes were full of sarcasm.

"I'm still a milk, a stone without heart, liver and lungs, a stone that can never be warmed up."

(End of this chapter)

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