Chapter 1551 Please Come In Fourth Miss

After He Jiaheng's servant returned home, he sent a woman at the second gate to Qingxin Youju to tell Miss Fourth that He Xiner was watching people's work in the small kitchen at that moment.

Wei Yu found a woman who could build stoves from nowhere, and she was busy with her hands and feet, she was quite decent, and there were two helpers who were also very capable, doing all the rough work.

The little maids in her yard handed tools, poured water, etc., and couldn't help at all.

He Xiner appreciates practical and capable people, no matter what their status is, seeing that the three women are good, she also intends to sell them well, so she whispered to Wei Yu to go to Luo Hua's place to get some copper coins as a reward.

Wei Yu repeatedly nodded and said yes, and went straight.

He Xiner looked at the stove that had already taken shape, and thought about building an oven.

Dabai's ancestors loved cakes most, and it would be impossible without an oven.

So she was not polite, but when she asked the woman if she really knew it, she was so happy that she repeatedly praised her ingenuity, but it made the woman feel embarrassed, and she became more attentive in doing things .

Good guy, can you not care, the elder dotes on her very much, in order to vent her anger for her, he directly took over the kitchen staff. .

Besides, this Fourth Miss is approachable, she has no airs at all, and she is also praised for her ingenuity.

That woman is a rough worker, when someone praised her like that, now she is praised by the little beauty who is Huaguduo, I feel so happy.

This joy makes me more motivated.

It was in such a happy atmosphere that the woman on the second door came to Qingxin Youju, and went straight to the Eldest Young Master to invite Fourth Miss to Dingfuju.

He Xiner was a little confused.

She didn't think that the so-called elder brother would come to her with any important matters, but he was a nice guy and would never harm her.There is nothing left or right, so it doesn't hurt to go there.

"Has the young master's servant gone back?"

"Go back to Miss Fourth, I'm still waiting for Miss Fourth at the second gate on the first day of junior high school."

He Xiner blinked her eyes before she realized that the first day of junior high school was her personal name, so she couldn't help but find it funny.

"Let's go then."

After finishing speaking, she was about to leave with Da Ha, and Wei Yu was in a hurry, "The servant girl will go with the young lady."

"No need, take good care of the house. I'll be accompanied by the Eldest Young Master and Daha, and everything will be fine."

I can't say why, but He Xiner doesn't want to have a little girl with a tail around her at all, she just wants to walk quietly by herself.

Wei Yu could see that the lady of their family had a good idea, so she didn't dare to go against her, "Miss, be careful on the road, come back earlier."


It's like it's her home here.

He Xiner couldn't help but glanced around, silently nodded to Wei Yu, "Ha, let's go."

It wasn't until she had gone a long way that there was no one in sight, and Xiao Yu, who was sent to the courtyard gate, turned around and returned to the courtyard.

Alas, the young lady frowned lightly, her eyes full of sorrow, it made people feel distressed.

He Xin'er, whose eyes were full of melancholy in Wei Yu's eyes, was a little out of shape at the moment. She originally wanted to take Daha for a walk, but in the end, she arranged a carriage for him on the first morning of the first day of the new year. In the carriage.

It took only a quarter of an hour to arrive at Dingfuju.

He Xiner had no intention of admiring the magnificent restaurant. She lifted her skirt and slowly went upstairs, feeling a little nervous and looking forward to it. Could it be what she thought?
Her heart beat a little faster, making her even more nervous, her hands trembling slightly, she exhaled deeply, trying to calm herself down.

"Fourth Miss, here we are."

Chu Yi, who was leading the way, took her to the third floor, and stopped until she was outside the door in the innermost corridor. He opened the door respectfully, "Miss Si, please come in."

"Bang, bang, bang..."

If there was a deer bumping in her chest, He Xiner wanted to escape for a moment, but she didn't have the courage to step in, afraid, afraid that she would be disappointed...

(End of this chapter)

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