The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1552 Big Brother, I Miss You So Much

Chapter 1552 Big Brother, I Miss You So Much
He Xiner was in a state of confusion. She stood in front of the door, hesitating.

The first day of the junior high school did not urge, but turned around and left.

Daha, who had always been obediently by her side, suddenly ran into the room, purring happily. .

He Xiner's mind exploded, and then went blank.

The heartbeat is even faster.

She slowly, slowly raised her feet, slowly, slowly raised her feet...

A huge four-curved screen blocked her view, and she couldn't see the scene in the room. She was even more nervous, feeling like she had walked for a long, long time, but she only reached the screen.

It was quiet inside, except for the slight sound of big rattling.

She swallowed nervously.

Behind the majestic landscape painting screen, a tall figure suddenly appeared.

He Xiner stood there motionless like a fool.

The person opposite did not move.

The hazy figure is so familiar, familiar to the bone, familiar to the blood...

Daha, who came back wagging his tail, turned around at her feet, as if urging her.

She took a deep breath, turned around slowly, and closed the door.

Suddenly she smiled, turned around the screen with ease and joy, and met the smiling eyes of the lobby brother, moist and moist, like a pool of autumn water~
Uh, isn't Han Muruo Qiushui a description of a woman?

Besides, when did the big brother be so, so...

He Xiner racked her brains and couldn't think of suitable words to express it, so she was completely distracted.

I always feel that the big brother is a little different.

If it is said that the eyes are different, it is not entirely true, the big brother always looks at her with gentleness, but now it seems to be more, more gentle, uh~
More gentle and watery than gentle and watery, what is the way to describe it?

The person whom he had missed for so many days was right in front of his eyes, and Ye Xusheng's mood was agitated. He fixedly looked at the little girl, from her eyebrows, eyes, nose to her delicate lips...

He was suffocating, his face was red, his heart was beating, and his ears were hot~
And He Xin'er, who was fascinated by the gentle eyes of the big hall brother, was suddenly attracted by the tips of his red ears. A narrow look flashed in the little girl's eyes. She walked forward and touched his ears with her toes. .

"Big brother, your ears are so red..."

The throbbing Ye Xusheng couldn't bear it any longer, he opened his arms and held her tightly in his arms, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Xin'er..."

The big brother's warm and firm embrace made He Xiner feel at ease.

Her eyes were moist, her nose was sore, and her voice was muffled, "Brother Hall, I miss you so much."

Ye Xusheng hugged the delicate and pretty little girl, and was extremely happy. His heart, which had been empty for the past few days, suddenly filled up, a little swollen, as if he owned the whole world, and he felt like a treasure.

"Xiner, Xiner..."

Without extra words, he always called her name affectionately.

He Xiner's heart swayed slightly, two pretty red clouds climbed up her snow-white and pink face, her eyes flickered.

Afraid of what he would do under the intense palpitation, Ye Xusheng gently let go of the person, looked down at the little girl, and saw her pink face, peach cheeks, eyes like spring water, shyly biting her cherry lips, Pure, charming and charming~
His mind buzzed, as if there were fireworks exploding, under the extreme brilliance, he couldn't restrain himself, and instinctively lowered his head to kiss her delicate lips...

It just so happened that He Xiner was shy and at a loss, she turned her head inadvertently to look at the furnishings in the room, but she escaped by a strange coincidence. .

Ye Xusheng's kiss fell gently on her hair. He Xiner didn't know anything about it. She really felt uncomfortable when she thought that they were not close cousins, and hugging each other was a bit ambiguous. She felt ashamed. There is nowhere to rest your hands and feet.

(End of this chapter)

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