The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1553 The Old Ye Family I'm Sorry You

Chapter 1553 The Old Ye Family I'm Sorry You

Ye Xusheng, who only kissed the little girl's beautiful hair, had his heart beating even harder, like a child stealing food, excited, nervous and joyful.

But dare not do it again.

He took the little girl to sit in front of the short desk by the window, and poured a cup of tea to her with slightly lowered eyebrows, "Xin'er drinks tea."

"Thank you big brother."

He Xiner was still shy, she lowered her head slightly, not daring to look at the extremely familiar face, pretending to be natural, she stretched out her right hand to pick up the tea, but it was held in the hand of the big hall brother.

Ye Xusheng was startled.

Qianqian jade hand, slippery as if boneless~
Both of them were heartbroken.

He Xiner's cheeks were hot, she forced herself to remain calm and continued with the movement of her hands, took the teacup, and sipped lightly.

She lowered her head slightly and said nothing.

Ye Xusheng looked at her beautiful side face steadily, her pretty face was already crimson, and her jade-white earlobes seemed to be dyed with rouge, so red that he was amazed.

His heart was beating so violently that his mouth was dry and his face was flushed...

Not daring to speak rashly, he averted his gaze, poured himself tea, and drank it down in one gulp, finally extinguishing his anger.

After slowly drinking the tea in her cup, He Xiner's pounding heart finally calmed down a bit.

Thinking of an important matter, she turned her head to look at Ye Xusheng regardless of shyness, and asked eagerly, "Brother Hall, will something like this happen to Lao Ye's family affect your scientific examination? After all, this matter is disgraceful, but she Your dear grandma, now being arrested and imprisoned, for your reputation..."

Seeing the little girl's concerned eyes, Ye Xusheng's heart was full.

"No problem."

Although the shopkeeper Sheng of the bookstore was not there, he left him a letter and someone.

They are all from Dongqiang, and he still believes in the ability of the other party.

Although his good grandma is in prison, there are no specific charges and it will never affect his future.

He Xiner believed him, as long as he said it was fine, she would be fine, so she felt relieved.

"It's fine, it's fine!"

She patted her chest lightly, "I've been worrying about this for the past two days, and I'm afraid that the big brother won't be qualified for the imperial examination. Isn't that all the hard work for so many years in vain?"

"The old godmother is too hateful, it's fine to act like a heaven and earth on weekdays, if this matter delays the future of the hall brother, I, I will let Dabai take her to the sky!"

Speaking of this, she has long since forgotten her shyness, and has returned to her usual temperament, lively and agile, and when she speaks angrily, she gestures with her hands in excitement, imitating the stance of patting people, and waved her hands with a pretty face , Like swat a fly, Ye Xusheng felt so cute, he couldn't help giggling.

He Xiner also smiled, like a cunning little fox, playful and cunning~
The dark cloud that had been suppressed in the heart for several days disappeared in this smile, and both of them were in a happy mood and exuberant.

"Oh, I don't know why Brother Guan hasn't come back yet. I miss my ancestors, and Cuizhi. I'll be sad when she doesn't see me when she returns home. And Brother Guan, alas..."

The two laughed happily, and Daha also wagged his tail happily, walking around them, so lively.

He Xiner looked at it with a smile on her face, then thought of Dabai, and by the way, thought about it more and more.

And hearing her mention Guan Mingwei, Ye Xusheng felt even more uncomfortable, the joy and joy in his heart turned into vinegar juice, like a big sweet bubble that quietly exhaled. .

Avoid the topic without responding.

He stretched out his hands to support her shoulders, looked at her seriously, and said with difficulty, "Xin'er, Lao Ye's family is sorry for you, big brother apologizes to you..."

He Xiner was stunned for a moment, and when she understood what he meant, she subconsciously wanted to stop him, but before she could react, her white and soft little hand had already covered his lips...

(End of this chapter)

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