The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1555 My eyes are swollen from crying carefully

Chapter 1555 My eyes are swollen from crying carefully
Naturally, she couldn't bite her tongue when speaking normally, but when she said that word, her heart suddenly couldn't help beating wildly, and then, then she bit her tongue.

He Xiner's eyes were instantly wet, and it hurt.

Hearing what she said, Ye Xusheng's heart fluttered, but she suddenly stopped talking, and he sensitively sensed that something was wrong, and seeing her teary eyes, his heart immediately felt distressed: "Look, brother. "

He Xiner was so embarrassed that she shook her head again and again, her pretty face was as red as rouge.

Seeing that she insisted on refusing, Ye Xusheng had no choice but to follow her, but felt a little disappointed in his heart.

"I don't know if I was frightened by our family. Why do I see that the old lady of the He family doesn't seem to be kind, but her rank is much higher than our family's, laughing The one is kind and kind, at first glance she really looks like a happy old lady..."

Ye Xusheng frowned slightly.

"There's also that so-called real father who looks at me as if I stole his son, hehe, it looks like I'm willing to make all these things happen."

"Xin'er was wronged."

Ye Xusheng tugged and tugged distressedly, his guilt drowned him like a raging tide, almost suffocating him.

Holding her in his arms again, only by hugging her tightly can he feel at ease.

He Xiner didn't struggle, nor was she shy, she knew that the eldest brother loved her.

"It's just irrelevant people, what do they like to do, left and right have nothing to do with me, so I don't feel wronged~"

"Well, okay, don't feel wronged, don't feel wronged."

For a moment, he wanted to take the little girl away, away from the He Mansion, so that Xin'er would never see the faces of those people again...

"Big brother, when did you arrive in the county seat? Are you in a hurry to go back?"

People who have always been clever on weekdays are a little dull today.

After being shy for a while, I thought of this.

Ye Xusheng let go of him lightly, and said softly, "From tomorrow on, eldest brother is going to study at Qingyun Academy, and will stay in the county all the time..."

He Xiner was overjoyed, "Then we can meet each other from time to time? Why does it feel like a dream?"

Ye Xusheng patted her gently, and said with a light smile, "There is better news, do you want to hear it?"

"Yeah, tell me quickly, Brother Hall."

"My second uncle and my aunt are going to buy a house in the county after the next year and move to live in the county. I heard that the uncle's family has also made up their mind to move to the county and be neighbors with my second uncle..."

Huge joy rushed into her brain, and He Xiner's eyes widened in disbelief. She obediently listened to the big brother's words, and then burst into tears of excitement.

"So, from now on, I can see my parents every day? And I can play with Yuanyuan and my cousin at any time?"

He Xiner was crying and laughing, the tears were rushing down, causing Ye Xusheng to feel distressed, and while holding a brocade handkerchief to gently test her tears, he softly persuaded, "Xiner don't cry, cry carefully and your eyes are swollen. It's not pretty..."


"When did the hall brother coax people like this?"

She smiled through tears, her beautiful almond eyes were moist and bright, "Oh, just thinking about being together every day again, I am so happy that I want to fly into the sky, I am so happy!"

"Hey, I guess Cuizhi will also clamor to move to the county after she finds out. Hahaha, by then, it will be much more convenient for us sisters to go shopping together..."

The extremely excited person danced with joy, and babbled on this topic for a long time, but Ye Xusheng didn't dislike her wordiness, and always looked at her with a gentle smile and doting eyes.

"It's such a good day today, so much good news..."

The little girl was still very excited, with all kinds of emotions, but when she heard the biggest happy news, she was dumbfounded.

"My mother is pregnant?"

She stood up suddenly, because she got up too fast, she swayed and almost fell down, but thanks to Ye Xusheng's quick eyesight and hands, he quickly supported her.

(End of this chapter)

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