Chapter 1556 We Are Not Cousins

"I knew it was like this, I knew it was like this, oops... I knew that my mother was pregnant, and I couldn't recognize He Jiaming no matter what, the He family loves to throw people wherever they want, so I wouldn't come here for him." Break the ground..."

A child who didn't grow up around him is no different from a stranger, and his parents have no feelings for him.

What does it have to do with her if he can't stay in the He residence?Why let her leave her parents and move a place for him?
If it weren't for seeing that he was the only blood of her parents, she would not have done such a stupid thing if she killed her.

So what if it's just a quick catch, can you still rob other people's children by force?

In the worst case, let's go to court and make it clear that she is a child of the He family. You have to produce convincing evidence. A servant who speaks nonsense is not convincing enough. If you have the ability to bleed She didn't believe it, the grand lord and madam of the He mansion had the face to go to the court to test their relatives by dripping blood.

Ahh, miscalculation, miscalculation~
He Xiner cried out in frustration, beat her chest and stomped her feet, and slapped her chest with her pink fist, bang, bang...

In the next second, Fen Fist was pinched by a pair of big hands, "..."

"Brother Hall, I'm so aggrieved. I can't get my breath stuck in my chest. It's too uncomfortable."

He Xiner was really aggrieved, so aggrieved that she wanted to yell up to the sky and vent her anger.

"Brother Hall, do you think there is any way to switch me and He Jiaming back? I want to go back to Lao Ye's house, so I don't want to stay here."

She suddenly looked expectantly at the eldest brother.

Ye Xusheng looked at her steadfastly, his eyes were as calm as the sea, his face was serious and pious, and he said every word solemnly: "Xin'er bear with it for a while, and when I get the honor of juren, I will go to He's mansion to propose marriage, okay? In the future we together forever."

It exploded like a thunderbolt.

He Xiner's mind went blank.

She looked at him stupidly, forgetting to react.

Ye Xusheng also looked at her fixedly, cold sweat dripping from his tense hands.

Daha, who was very bored, curled up on the futon and closed his eyes to rest, quietly without a sound.

The two people looking at each other are also fixed, as if they are still.

After He Xiner's beating heart finally returned to normal, she nervously licked her thin lips, and said in a dry voice, "We, we are cousins..."

The scene of the pink and dexterous tongue licking the red lips deeply stimulated Ye Xusheng, his eyes were bright and shining like stars~
The hot and doting gaze almost melted He Xiner.

The little girl tilted her head uncomfortably, trying to avoid the fiery heat, but a warm hand gently pinched her chin, forcing her to look up and meet his gaze.

"We're not cousins. From the beginning, I knew..."

His voice was hoarse and deep, but soft and doting, to He Xiner's ears, it sounded like thunder.

Know from the beginning?

The picture of getting along bit by bit quickly came to mind.

The big brother carried her up the mountain; the big brother accompanied her to swim; the big brother combed her hair; the big brother put on her makeup, and the big brother wiped the water stains on her feet...

The vivid pictures are connected and entangled with each other, and finally superimposed together, it is the tender eyes of the big hall brother, which has never changed from the beginning to the end. .

He Xiner felt as if a deer was running amok in her heart. She wandered her eyes and dared not look at him. Mosquito hummed yes, and whispered, "But in the eyes of outsiders, we are cousins ​​who grew up together. If we were together, we would definitely cause trouble. Gossiping will also affect the eldest brother..."

"I am happy with you. As long as I am with you, I will be full of joy. If I am not accompanied by you for the rest of my life, I will live a life worse than death..."

He Xiner was startled, and quickly covered his mouth, but he grabbed his little hand and placed it on his lips to kiss affectionately.

boom boom-

He Xiner's face flushed red. .

(End of this chapter)

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