The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1557 We will never separate again

Chapter 1557 We will never separate again
The big brother in front of me is a person who is familiar to the bone, his face, his eyebrows, his lips, all are the familiar him~
But, but it seems to be separated by a layer of veil, hazy, like a dream...

His eyes were as tender as water, almost turning into substance, enveloping her softly.

He whispered softly, softly and tenderly~
He Xiner's heart was fluttering, and her whole body was also fluttering, as if a gust of wind could blow her away. .

The hall brother likes her?

The big brother kissed her?

No, it's not real, it's just a scene.

Yes, this is just a dream, how could she, how could she...

She slowly closed her eyes, trying to adjust her mood.

Ye Xusheng, who is full of tenderness and sweetness, no matter how hard he is to restrain himself, he bowed his head and kissed according to his heart.

The little girl's cherry lips are delicate and pleasant, tender and beautiful, and as sweet as sugar, he has long wanted to do this~
He Xin'er, who closed her eyes and adjusted her breath, suddenly felt a tightness on her waist, and then her lips were blocked, boom——like fireworks exploded in her mind, there was a bang, brilliant and dazzling~
A bright light kept shining in front of her eyes, so bright that she couldn't open her eyes...

This is a kiss full of affection and tenderness like water, delicate and gentle, he is like treating a rare treasure, so gentle~
Ye Xusheng's mind also exploded like fireworks, and when he finally kissed the little girl's delicate cherry lips, his mind was greatly shaken, the agitation was fierce, and the hands holding her slender waist couldn't help but tightened a little more.

And his kiss became more and more gentle, soft, thin, and extremely loving...

He Xiner was already dizzy, she felt dizzy, and there was a pot of honey beans in her heart that was bubbling with pink bubbles. The sweet breath lingered in her whole heart, until the sweetness reached her bones and blood, but there was also a trace of nervousness inexplicably mixed in , a pair of small hands were trembling thinly, grabbing the hem of his shirt helplessly.

The soft and delicate touch of the soft catkin's hand made Ye Xusheng even more agitated, and couldn't help but hugged him tighter by two points. The two of them pressed tightly together, feeling each other's thunderous heartbeat.

He took her catkin with one hand, held her ten fingers tightly, and kissed her more and more tenderly~
After a while, he left her lips and slowly opened his eyes. The person in his arms was obedient, soft and tender. She closed her eyes shyly, and her butterfly-like eyelashes trembled slightly. ...

His heart was full, and he was extremely happy, and couldn't help but want to pity her more~
He carefully pecked her eyes, eyebrows, cheeks, nose, earlobe...

In the end, it fell on her ruddy, bright, delicate lips again, and the ears and temples were rubbed together, lingering~
He Xiner felt dizzy as if she was on a cloud. .

When the lingering kiss finally ended, Ye Xusheng held her tightly in his arms, the joy in his heart had turned into substance, and he smiled happily, "Xiner, Xiner, I'm so happy~"

He Xiner slowly opened her eyes, her mind was in a trance, this, is this really a dream?

"Big, big brother..."

A low whisper, blurred and soft with a slight tremor. .

Her porcelain-like facial skin is now as gorgeous as peaches and plums, her delicate cherry lips are shining and moist, her bright apricot eyes are blurred and hazy, and the corners of her eyes are like crimson rouge, charming to the bone, so beautiful~
Ye Xusheng choked for breath, bowed his head and kissed her again, the affection was so hot and hearty, he couldn't get enough of it...

He Xiner gradually sank. .

"Xin'er, be my wife, okay? We will never be separated again."

Ye Xusheng hugged the cute little girl in his arms tightly, as if he wanted to rub it into his flesh and blood, his heart was full of swells, and he was extremely happy.

"Xiner, Xiner, I'm so happy..."

He Xiner's heart was rippling with spring waves, she nestled in his warm embrace as soft as boneless, the corners of her eyes and brows were filled with sweetness that couldn't be melted away~
(End of this chapter)

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