Chapter 1558

It turns out that being in love with each other is so sweet and beautiful.

He Xiner's winking eyes are like silk, and the corners of her lips are fluttering~
"Xiner, Xiner~"

Ye Xusheng called her name over and over again, as if that was the only way to be sure that the person in his arms was her.


The voice as soft as a gnat, gentle and soft, like a feather gently brushing against his heart, made his heart flutter and his soul wander.

He had tasted the taste of cherry lips just now, he tasted the marrow to know the taste, and couldn't help it again under the emotion, he lowered his head and searched for the past...

"Don't, don't..."

He Xiner's cheeks were flushed with anxiety, and her pink fist pressed against his chest lightly. She was ashamed and embarrassed, her eyes were full of water, she didn't dare to look at him, she bit her lower lip lightly, before she could say the words of refusal, she felt The warm lips covered again, and she stared at her ignorant eyes, completely dumbfounded.

Why didn't you know he was so clingy before?

"Good girl, close your eyes."

His warm breath tickled her face, causing He Xiner to tremble, she couldn't help closing her eyes, and once again fell into the sweet love network woven by the big brother~
Ye Xusheng hugged her contentedly, until she was short of breath, then reluctantly left her lips, kissed her eyebrows and eyes carefully, and then wrapped her exquisite and lovely earlobes...

He Xiner trembled lightly, softening into a puddle of water.

"It's not convenient for us to be here..."

He said this well, as if reminding him to change to a convenient place. .

He Xin'er bit her again in a panic, her pain made her hiss and inhale, and then she was gently kissed by the big hall brother, sucked carefully, and tried her best to comfort her~
In the end, Ye Xusheng let her go, and the last sliver of reason reminded him that it was time to leave, this was not his territory after all.

Own territory?
My heart is beating fast, why don't I go to urge my teeth tomorrow?

A certain person was eager to live a two-person world with his little girl, and completely forgot that he had just left the tooth shop for only two hours.

He Xiner was so shy that she wished she could shrink herself so that she could not be seen by the naked eye, and then floated away with the wind. She, she was like this, she would have no face to face others.

The little girl covered her face and didn't raise her head when she said anything, which made Ye Xusheng chuckle.

"Xin'er, be good, wipe your face, let's get out of here."

He coaxed softly, but the little girl did not let go of her hand, a smile flashed across his clear eyes, he leaned over, and gently pecked at the delicate fingertips.

He Xin'er suddenly felt her fingers were burning hot, she quickly pulled her hands to hide, but was kissed on the forehead by him, and her little face turned even redder...

The person I love has a shy face and charming eyes like silk. I can't help it if I'm a man, but I stayed here for a long time. Ye Xusheng's throat rolled, and his voice was hoarse, "Brother will wipe your face and comb your hair, okay?"

He Xin'er blushed and nodded, took out a small jade comb from her purse and handed it to him.

The room is fully equipped, including a kettle, washbasin, incense and other things. Ye Xusheng wetted his brocade handkerchief, wiped her face carefully, and helped her recomb her hair. He used cold water at will. I washed my face.

After tidying up, he took the little girl refreshed and led Daha away with light steps.

He Jiaheng is a sensible person, knowing that their brother and sister have a deep relationship and there are many things to talk about, so he specially instructed the shopkeeper not to disturb them, and went about his own business.

At this time, the restaurant was very quiet and there were no customers. The two of them went downstairs together and didn't meet anyone. The guilty He Xiner finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking to the first floor, the shopkeeper in the restaurant was closing accounts with the cashier, and the waiters in the two shops were also busy. This couldn't be avoided. The girl left.

 Thank you book friends for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets~
  ah ah~~
(End of this chapter)

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