The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1559 Looks Good Even When Angry

Chapter 1559 Looks Good Even When Angry
Other people in the restaurant didn't know the details of Ye Xusheng, nor did they know that the pretty little girl was the Fourth Miss of the family. As He Jiaheng's confidant, shopkeeper Jin knew about it.

He looked suspiciously at the two figures walking side by side, one tall and handsome, the other delicate and pretty, they were a match made in heaven.

It's just that I dare not say this, even to the young master.

Thinking of the old man's temper, and thinking of the previous fifth young master, the calm and experienced shopkeeper Jin in his 40s felt a little sympathetic to this new fourth young lady.


According to Ye Xusheng's selfish intention, he wanted to take his little girl back to the inn and continue to live the world of two people, but he also knew that the little girl was shy and didn't dare to go too far.

I'm going to the academy tomorrow, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to meet each other in the next few days. Time is precious, so I can't spend it all on love and affection.

He Xiner walked side by side with her cousin on the wide street. She was in a great mood and looked great. Her cheeks were pink, her eyes were bright, and her lips were moist. She was a little shy, and she lowered her head slightly to avoid the heat of the people around her. eyes, but there is a sweet smile on the corner of his lips~
The little girl's shy and innocent appearance made Ye Xusheng's heart flutter, and a lingering feeling of nostalgia spread in his eyes, and he really wanted to hold her in his arms again...

He looked up at the sun slanting to the west, it was past Shen time, and there was only one hour left to stay together.

She had to return home before dark, so as not to attract gossip.

Thinking of the people in the He family, the tenderness in his eyes disappeared completely, and gradually became as cold as ice.

His Xin'er has a clear mind, and she will never feel sad for someone who is meaningless, and she will not be manipulated and manipulated at will by others. On this point, he is at ease.

With Dabai by her side, she is absolutely safe and worry-free.

However, if there are people who don't have eyesight and dare to bully him at will, he will never let them go.

"Big Brother, is Qingyun Academy far away?"

"Qingyun Academy is in the east of the city, more than ten miles away from He's residence."

Ye Xusheng smiled lightly and lowered his head to her ear, "Xin'er don't have to worry, big brother will live in the place closest to you, Xiner can come whenever she wants, okay?"

The warm breath gently hit He Xiner's ear, it was soft, itchy, and extremely ambiguous~
With her clear mind, she became dizzy again, her cheeks flushed red, and the roots of her ears felt hot.

Big, big brother is so annoying, he teases her on the street.

She, she is angry!
The angry little girl pretended to be angry, raised her eyes and glared at the other party.

Unexpectedly, in Ye Xusheng's eyes, her coquettish appearance is extremely cute, and she can't help but want to love her...

"Xin'er was born beautiful. She looks good when she is happy, and she is also good-looking when she is angry. The older you look, the happier you are~"

He giggled and smiled, there was an unresolved affection between his brows, but what he said made He Xiner blush even more.

The big brother learned badly.

It was not like this before.

He Xiner didn't dare to provoke him again, lest she say anything that would make people blush and heartbeat.

"W-Where are we going? It's almost time for me to go back."

Speaking of going back, He Xiner felt short of breath.

She didn't want to go back to that broken place at all.

But, but she can only marry the eldest brother as a daughter of the He family, and she can only endure for a while.

Fortunately, the big brother is also in the county, and we can see him from time to time. After the next year, his parents will move to the county, and then it will be even more lively.

It's not too difficult for her to nest in Qingxin's secluded residence and not get involved too much with the people in He's residence.

"It's still early, don't worry."

Ye Xusheng used his fat sleeves as a cover, and quietly held her soft little hand, and his heart felt like honey, sweet~
"Now you are the young lady of the He family, so it's not easy to dress too plainly. While there is still time, elder brother will take you to buy some clothes and jewelry, okay?"

 Chapter 1557, the man finally kissed the little girl
  The result is masked.

  ying ying ~~
  Sang Xin~~
(End of this chapter)

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