Chapter 1560

He Xiner's clothes are actually quite a lot, and the fabrics are also good. The styles are simple and refreshing, and she likes them all.

She felt that she couldn't control the dresses that were too complicated, delicate and luxurious, and it was inconvenient to move around. As for jewelry, there was no girl who didn't like it, but she didn't like to wear too much, and she didn't want to be a jewelry shelf.

Most of the jewelry that the hall brother bought for her lay quietly in the dowry.

Hey, don't wear it, don't wear it, don't delay buying it!

And she likes shopping with the eldest brother the most.

She raised her small face, hooked the corners of her lips, and winked playfully, "It's better to be respectful, little sister."


Ye Xusheng gently squeezed her hand and smiled softly.

At this time, a few steps behind them, there was a sharp shout suddenly, "Where is that stupid dog, almost knocked my lady down!"

"Daha, don't run around, just follow."

The two of them were only interested in flirting, and didn't pay attention to Daha's little tail. He Xiner didn't think of it until she heard someone yelling at her.

Daha da da da ran over, she chuckled and said, "Where did you go after all this time?"

"The person in front stop!"

He Xiner was startled.

She turned around and saw a girl in an emerald green dress surrounded by two servant girls, rushing towards her, this person seemed to have seen it before.

"Yo~ Who am I? Isn't this a bumpkin who just came from the countryside? A bumpkin is just a bumpkin. It would be a shame to raise a bumpkin and bring it to the street."

Ye Xusheng frowned, turned to look at the person coming and said in a deep voice, "Who are you? Why are you swearing at people for no reason?"

The young man is thin and straight, like an orchid and a jade tree, his facial features are clear and sharp, his eyes are as clear as a clear spring, his thin lips are like peach blossoms in March, and his brows are full of heroic spirit.
Gao Mengyao was infatuated for a moment.

It was the first time she had seen such a good-looking man.

No, there are many good-looking men, but their temperament is not as good as his.

Her eyes were too straightforward, which aroused He Xiner's disgust, she quietly pulled Ye Xusheng's hand, signaling him to leave.

What is there to care about with this kind of person, if there is a disturbance on the street, it is not enough to be ashamed.

"Big brother, let's go."

Her voice was so soft that only those around her could hear it. Gao Mengyao, who was a few steps away, couldn't hear what she said clearly. She just watched the two turn around and wanted to leave, and she was a little anxious. She hadn't spoken to the handsome son yet Woolen cloth.

She didn't want to miss such a stunning man.

The maid next to her was probably used to being arrogant, and before the master could express anything, she preempted her and scolded in a high-pitched voice, "Stop the bumpkin, did my lady tell you to go away... ouch—— !"

When the sudden cry of pain came, He Xiner was greatly astonished. Turning around to look, she saw the cursing maid covering her mouth with both hands, with blood slithering down from between her fingers.

She blinked, and a small round silver bean on the ground caught her attention.

If she guessed correctly...

He Xiner turned her head to look at the lobby brother, and kept blinking at him, making the angry Ye Xusheng laugh, "Let's go~"

The lobby brother is so handsome!

It's too extravagant, to beat people with silver beans, tsk, tsk, tsk...

Oops, she likes such a violent big brother even more. .

The little girl's eyes were full of little stars, flickering, not to mention how cute, so seductive that Ye Xusheng almost couldn't help it, and kissed her on the street.

He coughed lightly, and shouted in a deep voice, "Daha, keep an eye on the road, don't be bumped by those who don't have long eyes."

At this moment, Gao Mengyao said softly, "This young master..."

Then her artificial voice was completely suppressed by Ye Xusheng's voice.

He Xiner couldn't help but almost laughed out loud.

Gao Mengyao's face was almost green.

It was the first time for her to be so ashamed, she really, really pissed her off!
(End of this chapter)

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