Chapter 1561 Wow, so beautiful
Ye Xusheng glanced at her lightly, his eyes were clear and cold as frost.

Gao Mengyao froze and didn't dare to say anything.

She is not stupid, this person can knock out a person's teeth with a single silver bean, which shows that he has kung fu, and his eyes are cold, it seems that he is not easy to get along with.

He must be annoyed with her now, so it's not easy to get close.

Gao Mengyao watched helplessly as the figures of a man and a woman went further and further away. She hated her so much, but the maid next to her kept screaming, so annoyed that she waved her hand in a big ear, "Don't grow your eyesight!" See you, I know you will cause trouble for this lady!"


The other servant girl was clever, and she had already seen that the young lady was in love with her, so she quietly shrank back, for fear of spoiling the young lady's good deeds.

Seeing that the people had gone far away, the young lady was still standing there stupidly, not caring what the people on the street pointed out, so she had no choice but to go forward to persuade her.

"Miss, I know that person. He won't be able to run away after all. Next time we meet, we'll find the place again. Let's go back. Standing here doesn't look good."

With all her heart attached to the handsome Bingshan, Gao Mengyao, who was worried about gains and losses, immediately came back to her senses. She glanced at the maid who had lost her teeth, and said coldly, "Go back now, don't be ashamed outside."

"Yes, the maid understands."

That maid was missing a front tooth, and her words leaked out, Gao Mengyao frowned, cursed her in a low voice, then took another maid, and went straight to He Mansion to find He Qier.

And the maid who was missing her front teeth kept her head down to be scolded, and only when she walked away did she resentfully spit at her back, but she didn't forget to pick up the silver beans on the ground.

I heard that it is very expensive to repair the teeth, and the silver designation is not enough, but she is pissed off.


It's enough to fill the teeth, but you can't beat people casually.

I hate her young lady, she is so violent on weekdays, but at the critical moment, she will be cowarded when she encounters a hard problem, and her close servant girl will be beaten, not to mention giving her a head, but even taking her anger out on her, it's too much.

But as a servant, she really didn't dare to confront the eldest lady, so she vented all her anger on He Xiner, scolding the bumpkins one by one, still puzzled, thinking about waiting for her to catch the bumpkins and drop them off. Once the order is made, one of her front teeth must be knocked out.


He Xin'er, who was worried about knocking out her teeth, didn't know the thoughts of their master and servant, even if she knew, she couldn't control what others thought, so she could do whatever she wanted.

As long as she thinks that it will take six or seven days before she can see the big brother, she will be a little reluctant to part with it, and even in the face of the dazzling array of jewelry, she can't arouse interest.

The little girl lacked interest, so Ye Xusheng had no choice but to make decisions for her. He chose a set of exquisitely crafted haircuts, mainly made of pearls, supplemented by amethyst, pink shell, and tourmaline, and placed them all on a tray covered with red flannel. Very beautiful, it can be said to be radiant and beautiful~
She doesn't like golden headdresses, and always says that women only use gold ornaments, and little girls' jewelry should be fresh and unique, and don't need to be too gorgeous or expensive, so as not to be tacky.

Therefore, Ye Xusheng, who is familiar with her temperament and preferences, immediately took a fancy to this set of hairstyles. Well, in Xin'er's words, it fits the girl's temperament.

Sure enough, the little girl's eyes lit up when she looked at the jewelry in front of her eyes, "Wow, it's so beautiful!"

Ye Xusheng curled his lips and smiled, "Does Xiner like it?"

"Yeah, I like it, I like it."

He Xiner nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"But this whole set of prestige, I'm afraid it's not cheap?"

"It's good that Xin'er likes it."

Xiao Er, who was standing by the side, glanced at Ye Xusheng, who was dressed in brocade, and said respectfully, "Ms. Hui, this set of beautiful face with cloud temples, a total of 100 taels of silver."

"Pack it up."

"Okay, wait a minute."

100 taels of silver was a bit more expensive, but it was acceptable, so He Xiner didn't take it seriously, but when the waiter suggested that she get her ears pierced, she was dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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