The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1562 Big brother sees you go in

Chapter 1562 Big brother sees you go in
Ear piercing, it hurts just thinking about it.

But looking at the strings of beautiful earrings, she was moved again.

He Xiner pursed her mouth and touched her ears, it was a struggle~
With such an appearance, Ye Xusheng couldn't stop laughing, watching the waiter leave, he leaned into the little girl's ear, said hoarsely, "If you are afraid of pain, don't prick."

After a short pause, his voice became more seductive, "Xin'er's ears are carved like jade, exquisite and cute, big brother likes them the most, and doesn't need any decoration..."

He Xiner blushed for a moment, her ears were burning hot, and she was blushing too.

The big brother is really, really, too, too serious!

The little girl was so ashamed that she couldn't lift her head, she turned her body sideways and ignored the other party, and her angry appearance made Ye Xusheng very affectionate, and she just wanted to hug him in his arms and coax him softly. .

This time, He Xiner really annoyed him, until she was half a block away from Linlang Pavilion, she still lowered her head and ignored him.

Ye Xusheng was in a delicate mood, his eyes flickered slightly.

It was the first time for Xin'er to lose her temper with him, this feeling was so good, the indescribable sweetness lingered in his heart, he was a little intoxicated by it.

Of course, he wouldn't let the little girl be angry all the time, he took a break, dragged the little girl to a quiet alley, and said softly to apologize, and before he finished speaking, He Xiner couldn't help but laugh stand up.

She is really Xiaoyi and gentle big brother, she is not used to it.

Obviously, Ye Xusheng likes this kind of feeling very much, his precious little girl should be pampered and cared for carefully~
"Xin'er won't be angry with Big Brother anymore, okay?"

The alley was empty and very quiet.

Ye Xusheng couldn't help himself, he lowered his head and kissed her bright red lips, he was deeply infatuated with this ecstasy, and wanted to possess it all the time. .

He Xiner wanted to escape.

Why is she angry?Why are you angry?

Wasn't it because of his indiscriminate teasing?
But now it's a good thing, on a sunny day, we kissed in the alley, it's no wonder she, she isn't angry.

Da Ha squatted at the entrance of the alley to watch the wind, wagging his tail from time to time to watch the two of them.

It's just that He Xiner can't take care of it now, her mind is full of thoughts that if someone sees her, she will die.

The little girl moved restlessly in his arms, which aroused Ye Xusheng's agitation, and he almost couldn't control it, so he had to let go of her.

He was breathing heavily and quickly, afraid that the little girl would see the clues, he was embarrassed to look into her eyes, bent down and lay on her shoulder, sniffing the unique fragrance of a girl~
"Xiner, Xiner."

Full of joy, gentle and affectionate~
He Xin's heart was suddenly as soft as water, sweet and long.

How could he be angry with him.

When the two walked out of the alley, it was already sunset.

Ye Xusheng originally wanted to buy some gorgeous dresses for her, but before he started shopping, it was time to send the little girl home. He sighed that time flies by so fast.

He Xiner...

I don't know who is sticky and endless?

"Let's go back after eating out, okay?"

Knowing that it was late, Ye Xusheng still refused to let him go, so he thought about staying a little longer.

He Xiner declined, "I came out in a hurry this time, and I didn't explain clearly to the two little maids. It would be bad if they were in a hurry and called someone to come out to find me."

Ye Xusheng thought about it too, so he had no choice but to give up.

So, the two of them didn't dawdle any longer, and went straight to the direction of He's mansion. On the way, they bought steamed chicken for Daha and pastries for a few maidservants. Send it to the corner of the side gate of He Mansion.

The servants on duty are inside, and if they don't come out to have a look, they can't see the scene here.

He Xiner, who was still complaining about her cousin's stickiness, was extremely reluctant when the time came to part.

Her bright apricot eyes seemed to be stained with water vapor, and she tried her best to smile, "Goodbye, big brother."

"Brother sees you go in."

(End of this chapter)

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