The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1566 No wonder the two are not jealous

Chapter 1566 No wonder the two of you are not jealous

When He Xin'er, who was wearing a cherry pink skirt, appeared in Songhe Hall, the eyes of Yingying and Yanyan from all over the room were glued to her.

It's not that her clothes are too luxurious, on the contrary, her dresses are simple and light, and there are not many jewelry. Compared with everyone on the jewelry shelf, she is very clean and simple.

But it can't help that she is born well, with picturesque features and icy muscles, as long as she stands there quietly, she is extremely beautiful.

The light cherry blossom powder complements the temperament of a girl very much, showing her innocence even more.

The emerald wreath with butterfly shells and pearls between the necks is subtle and elegant, the small face lined with shiny white pearls is clean and clear, the gradual pink peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the green leaves that are crystal clear like jade are scattered and dotted, which is pure, fresh and beautiful. .

There are more than thirteen curls, cardamom shoots in early February.

The girl in the year of cardamom is smart, delicate, pure and bright, looking around, she is so beautiful~
"Xin'er greets the old lady."

He Xiner ignored all the wolves and tigers' gazes, she walked forward generously, and bowed her knees lightly to salute.

He Chu'er and He Qier, who were dressed in complicated and exquisite dresses and full of jewels, used to be jealous of He Lan'er's outfits, which were more luxurious than theirs, and they were so jealous that they were on the verge of going crazy.

Ordinarily, He Xiner's clothes are simple now, much cleaner than their essentials, but the two of them are still going crazy with jealousy.

In fact, He Xiner's appearance is so beautiful, just this clean little face is enough to make people amazing, not to mention that she is very good at dressing, it looks simple, but it can always set off her extraordinary temperament.

The two sisters He Chuer and He Qier, who were painted with exquisite makeup and surrounded by brocade clothes and jewels, were easily forced down.

No wonder the two are not jealous.

The old lady sitting on the Arhat's couch glanced lightly at Jiang Shi, the eldest grandson-in-law of the new head of the family, and saw that she was just like everyone else, looking straight at the fourth girl's Ying Luo, and she immediately understood that things were not bought by the government. of.

The scheming old lady frowned almost imperceptibly.

Don't think that she specially asked Mr. Kong to buy clothes and accessories for He Xiner before, but she was very clear in her heart and knew that Mr. Kong would never be obedient.

And what she wants is that effect, the beautiful words have been said, and the people below have nothing to do with her.

Although this girl's outfit was unexpected, it would be nice if the country people could buy a few decent dresses, and it was impossible to have gorgeous jewelry.

No matter how calm she is, she is just a half-grown girl, and she hasn't seen much in the world.

I don't believe that she is not greedy when she looks at the jewels and gold hairpins of the second and third girls every day.

When Mrs. Kong has humiliated her to the point that she can't stand it any longer, he will come forward and make decisions for her, buying fancy clothes and jewelry, are you afraid that he won't be able to buy her off?

This method, the old lady who has been immersed in the back house for decades, is handy to use, and she can buy people's hearts and control the other party without making a show.

However, for this granddaughter who appeared halfway, her superb methods seemed useless.

The girl didn't look embarrassed at all.

The old lady's eyes were dark and unpredictable, and she still had an amiable smile on her face, "Fourth girl, excuse me."

She casually praised Ji Momo beside her, "Such a juicy and pretty girl, with flowers and bones, it's rare for people to look at her."

"Who says it's not, Fourth Miss is as beautiful as a jade, and she's a bit more beautiful than the fairy in that painting."

Nanny Ji is an old man in front of the old lady, so her status is naturally not low. In front of the house full of masters, she can talk and laugh with the old lady without any formality.

The master and servant sang and praised He Xiner, almost making He Chuer and He Qier's teeth sour.

The second wife, Kong Shi, was so angry that her face twisted.

(End of this chapter)

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