The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1567 Does it have anything to do with you

Chapter 1567 Does it have anything to do with you
A roomful of women, except Jiang Shi who just took over the post of Zhongfu, all of them dislike He Xiner.

Especially the second wife, Kong Shi, and the second young mistress, Yin Shi, were the most furious, and they wished they could eat her raw.

For the two to eat, she made a fuss shamelessly, causing the kitchen servants to stop talking about it, and even lost their right to be the housekeeper of the second room.

It's no wonder they don't hate it.

The Kong Corporation handed over the rights in real terms. The moment she handed over the books and keys, she hated He Xiner to the core.

As for the Yin family, it is not uncommon for He Xiner to talk to He Xiner. She thinks that the eldest grandson's daughter-in-law is valuable, and she is not even interested in fighting with the Jiang family. It's good to take over the entire He family.

As a result, not to mention she was in charge of Zhongfu, even her mother-in-law was not qualified to be in charge of Zhongfu, and the entire Zhongfu of He's mansion unexpectedly fell into the hands of a concubine's daughter-in-law.

It's the ridiculousness of the world, and the ridiculousness of the world.

When she heard the news that Mrs. Jiang was in charge, her breath was held in her chest and she almost passed out.

She knew clearly that it was the Elder Master and the Second Household who seized power, but she didn't dare to do anything to the Elder Master, so all her resentment was directed at He Xiner, wishing to trample her under her feet and turn her into mud.

Needless to say, He Chuer and He Qier, before they met He Xiner, they had already tried to deal with her, and now they were even more jealous.

As for the third young lady, Chai, she is said to be from the eldest family, and He Xiner can't hinder her, it should be that the well water does not interfere with the river water, but from the first time she saw He Xiner, she was faintly jealous. .

It's not for anything else, just because of her mediocre appearance, in front of He Xin'er, who is so beautiful and charming, she is made into a yellow-faced woman.

She was secretly ashamed, wishing she could scratch Hua He Xin'er's face.

The only one who liked He Xiner was Jiang Shi, the eldest wife.

Now that she is in charge of Zhongfu, she is at a high-spirited time, and it is also thanks to He Xiner's blessing that she has picked up the leak, so she finds He Xiner particularly pleasing to the eye.

"The fourth sister's Yingluo is so unique, it's just right for a little girl to wear, and it makes her little face look more dewy."

Jiang Shi didn't pick up Nanny Ji's words and went on, she was just a servant, no matter how decent she was, she couldn't be more honorable than her master, now she is in charge of the family, so she doesn't need to praise an old woman.

After she and He Xiner finished their courtesies, she turned her head and said, "Don't ask Miss Fourth to sit down yet."

I don't know who she is instigating, but there is only one big servant girl next to each master, and the rest are all in front of the old lady.

Oh, the old lady has a high status, but there are six first-class maidservants, and now besides Ji Momo beside her, there are four pretty ones standing at the bottom.

He Xiner raised her eyebrows in surprise. Could it be that this person has lost his mind and is showing off in front of the old lady.

"Don't bother."

She didn't want to cause trouble, nor was she in the mood to gossip with them. Just as she was about to say goodbye, she hadn't had breakfast yet, and she couldn't accompany them on an empty stomach. But before she could speak, she heard a sharp voice: " Did you buy your Yingluo and Zhuhua at Linlang Pavilion?"

It was the third young lady, He Qier, her eyes were reddish, showing how much she had been wronged.

"Butterfly shells, pearls and emerald gemstones are not only for sale, they are part of a whole set of beauty called Yunbinhuayan, right?"

He Xiner frowned slightly.

Right, does it have something to do with you?
"Third sister, is this the trick you were optimistic about earlier?"

It's not a big deal for some people to watch the excitement, but the tone of the second lady, He Chuer, seems to be that He Xiner has robbed He Qier's beloved thing.

"Yes, it is this set of cloud temples and beautiful face."

He Qier bit her silver teeth in danger of gnashing them into pieces. If He Xiner had worn other jewelry, it wouldn't have irritated her so much.

But this set of clothes was something she had been looking at a long time ago, but she had no money to buy it. As a result, the country bumpkin she looked down upon easily bought it back.

She was about to die of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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