The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1569 Don't belittle yourself

Chapter 1569 Don't belittle yourself
He Chuer and He Qier made up their minds, if they wanted to embarrass this bumpkin, they would not let her go easily.

The two stood at the door, their chins slightly raised, and they looked at He Xiner in a condescending manner, full of disdain.

The room was full of people watching the fun, and the old lady with a kind face and a kind smile was enjoying the little maid rubbing her shoulders with a smile.

It was as if the three little girls were playing intimately, and she was a doting and generous grandmother, watching them play with joy.

He Xiner's expression was calm.

"Second Miss and Third Miss are all full of pearls and emeralds, beautiful and luxurious clothes, luxurious and expensive, which one is not more expensive than mine? Didn't I say nothing? Why are you two staring at me? Endlessly entangled with things? I don’t know, just pretend that the two of you have never seen the world and are arguing for things.”

"Bah! Who cares?"

He Chuer is really not rare, what she likes is golden noodles, powdered shells and pearls, they are all things that little girls like, gold is not as valuable as gold, so she counterattacked naturally and subconsciously.

But He Qier couldn't do it anymore, she liked this set of heads, annoyed that she snatched it up, and felt that she had caught He Xiner's handle, so when she scolded people, she was very confident:

"Our sisters are Miss He's family, so they should be dressed in brocade clothes, surrounded by jewels and emeralds! You, a wild girl from the countryside, dare to compare with me and my second sister? You are really overconfident! You are just a bumpkin, and the Jingchai cloth skirt is the only one!" It's your job!"

He Qier, who was so angry by He Xiner, cursed everything in her heart in desperation.

It wasn't until she finished swearing that something was wrong.

The room was so quiet that a needle could be heard falling.

She subconsciously raised her head to look at the old lady on the Arhat's couch, and happened to meet a pair of gloomy old eyes, which startled her, she hurriedly avoided her gaze, and lowered her head to make a quail.

"Old lady..."

He Xiner hasn't decided what to say yet. After all, she doesn't know how to show sympathy, but the other party's attitude is so bad, she can't let it go unresponsive, she has to show her attitude.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she was interrupted by a majestic voice, "Three girls kneel down!"

Well, this guy finally came out to be a good person.

She just watched.

What He Xiner expected was right, the old madam would not be able to pretend to be deaf and dumb if this was the case.

She severely reprimanded He Qier, saying that the fourth girl is also the young lady of the family. She has suffered a lot from being homeless since she was a child, and she finally returned to the family. As a sister, she should take good care of her and love her. Yes, how could you scold those stupid words and hurt Si Yatou's heart...

Such a long speech taught her a lesson, and made her apologize to He Xiner. He Qier was ashamed and annoyed, but she didn't dare to disobey her. She had to swallow her anger and apologize to He Xiner.

He Xiner's eyes flickered, she turned her head to look at the old lady and said sullenly, "Old lady, Miss San was right, I am indeed a wild girl from the countryside..."

"Good boy, don't say that quickly, you are the daughter of the eldest son, you have never been a wild girl, don't belittle yourself."

The most authoritative old lady in He's mansion, her scheming and tricks are not covered, the general put on airs and put on a dark face to clean up He Qier, and she smiled kindly when she turned her face, she persuaded He Xiner with nice words A few words.

Afterwards, his eyes turned cold, majestic and solemn, "Don't let me hear it again in the future, someone scolded Si Yatou for coming from the countryside, otherwise the family law will take care of her."



The old lady put on the airs of being a family member, and she was full of momentum, as if she wanted to get He Xiner back, and she wanted to support her.

Kong and the others responded humbly, but they almost died.

He Qier hated it to the extreme, her long nails painted with red danko hurt her palms.

(End of this chapter)

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