The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1570 What is the picture?

Chapter 1570 What is the picture?
"Mr. Kong, I ordered you to buy jewelry and clothes for the fourth girl. How are you doing?"

The old lady glanced at He Xin'er who had a calm expression. She thought that it would be impossible to keep her cold for a few more days. If it got to this point, it would be worse if she didn't express it.

Therefore, she began to use Kong's knife to sell favors.

She really wanted to hold him in the palm of her hand and let her do whatever she wanted, but she looked at him coldly, this child had his own ideas, not someone who was manipulated at will.

However, no matter how clever a yellow-haired girl is, she can't escape her grasp. She has plenty of ways to make her obedient.

Mrs. Kong, who was named unexpectedly, felt a little guilty when she heard the old lady's harsh tone. She stumbled and said, "It's all because my daughter-in-law has a lot of things, so I forgot..."

"Hmph, I think you did it on purpose, right?"

Kong stood up quickly, claiming that he did not dare to disobey the old lady's wishes, and indeed he forgot.

The old lady scolded her with a stern attitude, and then turned her head and told Mrs. Jiang, "You don't have to wait for tomorrow, you can send someone to Qianxiufang to invite someone with the best craftsmanship, and let them give it to you as soon as possible." The four maids rushed to make six sets of dresses, four pairs of embroidered shoes, and as for the middle coat, pajamas, small coats, etc., let the sewing room pick some good materials and send them to her yard, so that the maids can make them."

"Yes, granddaughter-in-law has written it down."

"It's a pity to see that the fourth girl is obviously a noble daughter of the first generation, but she doesn't even have a decent appearance. It's really outrageous."

"Buy a set of gold and silver heads, coral, emeralds, jade beads, precious stones, etc. Choose a few that are suitable for little girls, and add some..."

He Xiner was silent. .

"Don't be greedy, these things are not enough to compensate the fourth girl."

It was deliberately set on fire. .

All the female relatives of Hefu are jealous of her, what good is it for her?
He Xiner lowered her head in thought.

She was only thinking about things, and didn't notice the old lady's secretly examining eyes.

Because He Xiner was too quiet and didn't respond to her words at all, the old lady murmured in her heart that this girl's temper was really hard to figure out, so she increased her size again.

"The fourth girl has just returned to the mansion, and there are few usable things on hand. From time to time, she needs to add things, and she must have money in her hand. Mrs. Jiang personally went to the accounting room to pay out the monthly money that your fourth sister has been away from the house for the past few years. For your fourth sister..."

Everyone in the room stared wide-eyed.

He Chuer and He Qier are even more unbelievable, 13 years of monthly money?
Five taels per month, 60 taels a year, and 13 taels in 780.

Oh my God!
Their family background is actually not thin, and they have accumulated a lot of jewelry, ornaments and other items since they were young. If you calculate carefully, there are thousands of taels of silver, but there is no cash~
Therefore, 780 taels of silver is not a small sum for the two of them.

Not to mention the two of them are jealous, even the second wife, Kong Shi, and the three young mistresses are also jealous.

So, she stood there quietly, not getting excited, nor humbly refusing, but watching He Xiner, who had nothing to do with her, as soon as the old lady's voice fell, she felt There was a series of stares that seemed to eat people.

She was even more sure that the old lady did it on purpose.

She couldn't understand it.

It's normal for the first and second families to fight back and forth, but as an elder, you don't want to find a way to make this family less fighting and more harmonious. what?

Forget it, if she likes to make troubles, she will make troubles, and it has nothing to do with herself.

After He Xiner waited for the old lady to finally make arrangements, she went forward and thanked her with a blessing, and then went back to Qingxin Youju for breakfast without any regrets.

If she had known it would take such a long time, she would definitely have eaten before going.

The heartless and cheerful He Xiner had just left the Songhe Hall when He Chuer and He Qier followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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