The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1571 Feeling 1 must be very microseconds

Chapter 1571 It Must Feel Very Microseconds
"Second sister, why did you stop me in the old lady's room just now?"

For 14 years, He Qier, a boudoir lady who has been going smoothly, stumbled and was forced to apologize to a bumpkin, which was simply a great humiliation for her.

Therefore, she hated He Xiner very much.

I wish I could tear her up and swallow her alive.

She wanted to expose He Xiner in front of the old lady, but was stopped by the second young lady, He Chuhe.

"Third sister hasn't figured it out yet? The old lady is determined to support her. Even if you say it, it may not be useful."

He Qier gritted her teeth in anger, "I don't know what ecstasy soup that little bitch gave the old lady?"

"Maybe the old lady is looking at the face of the old man."

Now He Qier has nothing to say, but hates her even more.

Their fathers belonged to the kind of people who were not successful in literature and martial arts. They couldn't study well, and they didn't know anything about business. They didn't care about anything except eating, drinking and having fun.

Oh, it's not right to say that he doesn't care.

What her father did was quite domineering when it came to driving out the eldest son's fake son-in-law.

And he is used to making the old lady happy, so the old lady is partial to one or two, otherwise the second room can't fight with the old man who supports the door.

But in the final analysis, this family is supported by the old man, and the old lady naturally wants to save enough face for him.

At first, I thought that the bumpkin was not valued by the old man, just a wild girl who allowed others to be cheap, but I didn't know which muscle the old man made a mistake, but he cared about her very much, and even the old lady gave her a high look .


She was so pissed off!
"I really don't understand what the Elder Master thinks. He Lan'er is at home, and he has never cared about him."

He Qier was full of resentment, she was so angry that she could only whisper bitterly.

Regarding this, He Chu'er also couldn't figure it out, but it was not something they could talk about about the Elder Master.

She turned her head and told the maid behind her to stay away, and then pulled He Qier to bite her ear. She didn't know what she said, but He Qier's dark eyes became brighter and brighter...

In Qingxin's secluded residence, the six maids were beaming with joy. Because of the old lady's actions, they felt that their young lady had finally gained a firm foothold in the mansion. There is still a precious existence, and I will no longer be afraid of being underestimated in the future.

In the past, although the eldest master also supported the young lady, it was not as meticulous and proper as the old lady's arrangement. The public made up the monthly allowance and bought clothes and jewelry. This is the real way to treat the young lady like a family.

He Xiner was speechless.

But she won't explain, let them be happy.

Knowing that Daha had already eaten, He Xiner was satisfied, and the little maids were quite concerned.

After drinking a bowl of porridge, eating two small crystal dumplings, and complaining about my empty stomach all morning, I finally felt comfortable.

Then, He Xiner excitedly arranged, "I changed all the bedding, and the elements are clean and elegant; I picked a few small and exquisite bonsai and placed them on the antique shelf, and bought a Qingxiu pastel vase. I want a set of the Four Treasures of the Study... ..."

The yard that Kong prepared for her only had a bunch of gaudy bedding, and nothing else. Whether it was the study room, antique shelf, or wardrobe, they were all empty.

Previously, He Xiner was not interested, so she didn't want to make any troubles, and everything will be settled.

Now, she is full of enthusiasm for life again, so naturally she doesn't want to settle down anymore.

She wants to decorate the room beautifully. Although the big brother can't see it, she can learn from him.

Hehehe, when the eldest brother rented the house, she decorated the yard exactly like Qingxin Youju.

At that time, they will miss each other in the exact same room, and it must feel very small.

Ah, just thinking about it makes me happy.

(End of this chapter)

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