The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1579 That's a miracle doctor

Chapter 1579 That's a miracle doctor
Ding Liu and Pan Jiu are both hot-blooded men, they couldn't understand the behavior of the Wu family, and they sympathized with what happened to Liu's mother and daughter.

Later, when the centurion and others joined, the role of the two of them was not brought into full play, and because of their negligence, Mrs. Liu was injured.

Coupled with the matter of women's reputation, both of them kept silent about what happened that day.

This is not Guan Mingwei looking for, everything that day, they will rot in their stomachs forever.

After confirming his identity again and again, Ding Liuzhi said everything without reservation, but he didn't know the specific situation of Guan Cuizhi, so he thought it was General Zhang who must have rescued him.

Didn't see that the county magistrate and the magistrate were both ordered by the court to be removed by him, so it's no problem to save the girl.

Hearing what he said, Guan Mingwei felt a little more at ease.

Knowing that Uncle Zhang sent people to look for a miracle doctor and took his mother and younger sister to the north, he hesitated again and again, and decided to come back to discuss with his father first, and then decide on the future.

One is that his mother and younger sister are taken care of by Uncle Zhang, he is at ease, the other is that Uncle Zhang is a general, and he is going north to start a war with the Northern Wei Dynasty. Even if he reaches the border, it is difficult to find someone, because it is uncertain where the army will be stationed, so he went Also in vain.

So, he rushed back with Dabai non-stop. When he arrived in Pingning Town yesterday, he and his father hugged their heads in pain. The father and son thought about it, and guessed that Zhang Tieniu didn't write the letter because he was afraid that they would be worried. After you find a miracle doctor and heal the person, tell them.

While the father and son were moved, they also cared deeply about the mother and daughter who were far away at the border.

After much deliberation, Guan Xiuyuan decided to quit his job and go home to continue picking wild fruits together with Lao Ye's family.

In the past, Liu's mother and daughter were there, and their family also took advantage of it. Now that their mother and daughter are not here, it is impossible for him to take a share for nothing.

Even if you want to have a family right away, you can't take advantage of it.

But the doll business is no longer possible, and the wild fruit business must not be left behind.

Brother Zhang was benevolent and rescued Zhi'er and his wife. The Guan family already owed them a great favor, so it would be too bad for Brother Zhang to spend money.

That's a genius doctor, there is no one with thousands of taels, so I'm afraid I won't be able to invite them.

Therefore, he has to hurry up and make money.

Brother Zhang is taking care of both mother and daughter, so he can rest assured.

Both father and son firmly believed that Zhang Tieniu would definitely send them a letter, and what they had to do now was to save money and wait patiently.

In desperation, they ran to the border to look for someone, not only might they find them, but their lives were in danger, and they might miss Zhang Tieniu's letter, so they didn't dare to move.

This is also impossible.

The father and son sorted out everything they could think of, and immediately put it into action.

Guan Xiuyuan immediately resigned from his employer, and then brought Guan Mingwei back to Yejia Village.

According to Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin's behavior, making a living with wild fruits will never lose a share of the Guan family. Guan Xiuyuan is not worried. The reason why he hurried back to Ye Family Village is more importantly to discuss He Xiner and Guan Mingwei. marriage.

In the end, Ye Laiyin expressed apologetically that He Xiner had already returned to the He Mansion, and they had no control over her marriage.

Guan Mingwei was struck by lightning.

Guan Xiuyuan was also extremely shocked.

Not to mention knowing what happened to Liu's mother and daughter, how Ye Shitian's family and Ye Laiyin's couple were filled with righteous indignation, and how they worked together to find ways to make money together.

Guan Mingwei, who only said that he was busy in the world, was looking forward to seeing his charming fiancee, who could comfort his broken heart, but was suddenly told that the beloved woman no longer had an engagement with him, and would have nothing to do with him in the future. He was heartbroken. .

(End of this chapter)

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