The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1580 It's time for me to go

Chapter 1580 I Should Go Back

"Uncle Zhang turned out to be a great general~"

He Xin'er was crying, her beautiful almond eyes were swollen into red peaches, she was twitching, her thin shoulders shrugged, Guan Mingwei couldn't help but want to hug him into his arms Pity and comfort.

"Don't cry, your eyes are swollen from crying."

He coaxed her in a hoarse voice, and gently tried her tears with a handkerchief, but he didn't dare to pull her into his arms again.

"Aunt Liu is auspicious, she will be fine, Brother Guan and Uncle Guan, don't worry too much."

She was crying convulsively herself, and she wanted to comfort others. She was so meticulous and considerate that Guan Mingwei couldn't help but want to get close to her and be intimate with her.

"Well, thank you."

Guan Mingwei looked sad, he was worried about his relatives who were far away at the border, and also saddened by the marriage contract that ended without a problem.

The He family is rich and noble, not just a small family, and the Guan family cannot be matched. If you want to marry Miss He's family, the only way out is to obtain fame and become an official.

This was his ambition.

But he is not sure if he wants to win the title of Juzi before the little girl Jiji.

Guan Mingwei was full of bitterness.

Never willing to lose the love you love.

He looked at the girl in front of him bewilderedly, and gently raised his hand to caress her delicate cheek, "Xin'er, after I get the honor in the examination, I will go to the He Mansion to propose marriage, okay?"

He Xiner opened her red and swollen eyes wide, staring at him fixedly, feeling uncomfortable in every possible way.

She and her eldest brother are in love with each other, so naturally they can no longer have anything to do with other men.

It's just that Brother Guan is the fiancé her parents had set for her, and he is Cuizhi's brother, so she really can't bear to hurt him.

How to politely refuse others without hurting feelings is really a science.

She racked her brains to think about it, she was so tired that her brain ached, but there was still nothing she could do. Impatiently, she turned her head away slightly, "Brother Guan, I'm sorry, I..."

Originally, she wanted to say that she had never been tempted, and only regarded him as a big brother who was a good friend, an amiable and approachable big brother, but she still couldn't say it.

Guan Mingwei's eyes dimmed.

Is he going to miss her after all?
The two were relatively speechless.

Dabai lay quietly on the ground without disturbing the two of them.

After an unknown amount of time, He Xiner looked up at him, "Brother Guan, I should go back."

"Don't go, stay with me."

Subconsciously, Guan Mingwei didn't want to let him go.

It's good to see her even if you don't do anything.

Let's say goodbye today, I don't know how long it will take to see each other, he is not willing to part with her.

Seeing his sad eyes, He Xiner felt uncomfortable. Big brother Guan is a good man. She believed that if she married him, she would be well taken care of by him and would not let herself be wronged. Even if she was not tempted, she would still respect him. Him, stay with him for a lifetime.

Alas, it can only be said that everything is a trick of good fortune.

But she and the eldest brother are in love with each other. If she misses it, she may never be truly happy for the rest of her life.

Thinking of this, He Xiner's heart suddenly trembled, and an incredible thought flashed through her mind. After thinking about it, she found it impossible...

Seeing her in a daze, Guan Mingwei didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

It wasn't until Dabai was hungry that he jumped up and urged the two of them to eat, that He Xiner suddenly came back to her senses, "It's past noon, it's time to eat."

Guan Mingwei said softly, "Xin'er wants to go out to eat, or should I ask the waiter to deliver the food?"

"Send it in, it's quiet in the room."

As long as they don't talk about marriage anymore, He Xiner is quite happy to talk with him.

Aunt Liu had an accident, and he felt sad. It was the time when he needed friends. Besides, he was also thinking about his father and mother, so he just asked Brother Guan to help deliver the letter.

Well, I'll go shopping after dinner and take it home with my mother.

Seeing that she didn't refuse, Guan Mingwei was happy in his heart, and went out to make arrangements in a gust of wind, which made He Xiner laugh.

Just like what she said, if they don't talk about marriage, the two of them get along more naturally. After a very warm meal, Guan Mingwei accompanied her to buy a lot of ingredients suitable for pregnant women tonic, and they went shopping all afternoon before returning to the inn.

"Brother Guan, when are you leaving tomorrow? I'll see you off."

Guan Mingwei's hands were full of things. He Xiner walked in front and was about to open the door when she heard the door next door creak open. She subconsciously looked, "Big Brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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