Chapter 1598 is not afraid
The mother Tan mentioned by Wei Yukou is the woman who built the stove and oven last time. She is tall and strong, with big arms and round waist, a big face and a round plate. Yes, the wheat-colored skin is a little rough, but the facial features Unexpectedly beautiful, He Xiner firmly believed that she must have been a beauty when she was young.

It's not ugly now, it's just too mellow~
Mrs. Tan has a straightforward personality and is down-to-earth. Both Mrs. Chi and Mrs. Chai admire her, and they naturally take her as the leader.

In this regard, He Xiner is happy to see it succeed.

"Well, the meat is smooth and tender, sweet and soft, fat but not greasy, and it melts in the mouth. This technique is amazing."

He Xiner picked up a piece of oily braised pork and tasted it slowly. It turned out that it tasted surprisingly good. It was a pleasant surprise.She couldn't help being amused: "I didn't expect that Mother Tan not only knows how to build a stove, but also cooks so well."

"Tell Jiang Luohua to me that with Tan's mother here, we will all be lucky in the future."

"Well, you can buy whatever you want in the future, don't worry about it."

After finishing the sentence, He Xiner said again, "I have to buy some rewards, such as plain silver hairpins, silver bracelets, etc. It's convenient to give rewards."

Light rain quickly responded.

"You go to eat too, be careful that this delicious braised pork will be snatched away."

He Xiner laughed and joked lightly, but Xiao Yu couldn't laugh or cry, so she bowed her knees and stepped back to eat.

After the lunch break, He Xiner continued to write fairy tales, Dabai had nothing to do, and sat by the side to accompany her, while the four little maids and three women were still busy in the kitchen.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu sat on the porch, basking in the warm and bright sunshine, making pajamas for He Xiner.

He Xiner wrote with devotion, without distraction, and the whole afternoon passed unknowingly. During this time, Xiao Yu came in to refill her tea a few times, but she didn't notice it at all. Dim sum, even more ignorant.

After replacing the light rain with four cups of herbal tea, I finally couldn't help but say, "Miss wrote all afternoon, and the dripping water was not exhausted, and it was too hard. Let's drink some tea and snacks, and take a break. After writing for so long , my hands are going to be sore."

He Xiner just finished writing an article, she nodded upon hearing this, and put down the pen in her hand, it's time for a break.

"Dabai really likes the braised pork at noon, and I'll ask Mama Tan to make more."

"Yes, the maid understands."

As a result, the fragrant smell of braised pork wafted in the sky again, and the originally elegant and quiet small courtyard was now full of fireworks.

He Xiner was in a good mood when she heard the brisk laughter of the little maids, and there was always a faint smile on her lips.

When the last afterglow of the setting sun is hidden behind the distant mountain peaks, night falls, and the glazed lamps under the porch are lit one by one, and the soft orange light reflects the chrysanthemums in the courtyard more elegant and noble.

The small kitchen was bustling with activity. Not only did Mrs. Tan cook braised pork, but she also picked some fresh chrysanthemums with white fungus and lotus seeds, and cooked a pot of chrysanthemum soup. The fresh and sweet aroma made several maids salivate.

"Tan's mother is really amazing. With you here, we are all lucky."

"Whoever doesn't tell me, just smelling this smell, I feel like I can drink three bowls."

"Haha, with your small body, you still drink three big bowls, so you're not afraid to last."

Several people talked lively, didn't pay attention to Luo Hua and Wei Yu walked in, until they were caught and handed out bags, they realized "Ouch~"

Luo Hua held the little girl's hair bag, and poked her forehead with a half-smile, "What time is it, you don't go to the big kitchen to get food, and you're still talking here, I think you owe it to me."

"Hehe, Xiaoli knows she's wrong, Sister Luohua is the best, so let's spare Xiaoli this time."

The little servant girl has pretty features, is also clever, and she is begging for mercy with a smile. She is very cute, but it is not easy for Luo Hua to get angry with her.

The other little maids also just giggled, they were not afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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