Chapter 1599

The little maid has a lively temper, even if she likes to make troubles, Xiao Yu never scolds them, but if she just cares about fun, misses an errand, or neglects Miss, she will not condone it.

Wei Yu said in a low voice with a sullen face, "Miss is tolerant and magnanimous, and treats her servants seriously, we should abide by the rules even more, and we can't mess up the propriety and neglect the lady, you understand?"


Being the big maid is to train the little maids, and she is also the person in charge of personnel management. Once she becomes serious, the little maids are still afraid, and they immediately respond in a polite manner, and they dare not smile anymore.

Luo Hua curled her lips and smiled lightly, "Get the errands done first, and then come back for dinner, don't delay, be quick."


The four little maids ran away without a trace, faster than a rabbit, Luo Hua and Xiao Yu smiled at each other.

Mrs. Tan and Mrs. Chi squatted in front of the oven, wearing thick gloves and dragging out the iron plate inside to check whether the chicken was dried successfully. Mrs. Chai pushed the small stone mill to grind the chicken that was dried before The powder needs to be finely filtered in a while, the finer the better, and it will not be finished for a while.

Three candlesticks and fifteen candles made the whole kitchen as bright as day, and the residual heat from the stove and oven also made the kitchen warm.

They haven't been idle since early in the morning, until the scene outside is all over, and it hasn't finished yet.

When the two maids trained the young maid, they didn't intervene, they just pursed their lips and laughed.

"Mother Tan, Mother Chi, and Mother Chai, all the work in their hands has stopped."

"Hey, Miss Wei Yu has something to say directly."

Seeing the two maids staying in the kitchen at the same time, Mrs. Tan knew something was wrong, and hurriedly handed the things in her hand to Mrs. Chi, took off her gloves, wiped the apron, and said with a smile, "But Miss, have you ordered?"

Luo Hua smiled and said, "It's not what Miss ordered..."

As she spoke, she glanced at Wei Yu, who nodded, she stretched her arm forward, and then took Jinpa's right hand away.

Tan Pozi looked subconsciously, and saw that she was holding a small brocade box in her left hand, which was glowing faintly in the bright candlelight.

"Miss Wei Yu is juggling?"

Tan Pozi was full of surprise, Chi Pozi and Chai Pozi also smiled and agreed, "What rare things are inside?"

"It's not a rare item, but it's a silver hairpin given to the three mothers as a gift from Miss."

Mrs. Tan was stunned.

Wei Yu smiled lightly, and opened the brocade box, revealing the silver hairpin inside.

"Our sisters don't know what styles the mothers like, so we chose three different styles. You can choose by yourself."

"Hey, thank you girl."

Mrs. Tan happily took it, and Mrs. Chi and Mrs. Chai also thanked them again and again, all of whom were a little surprised and inexplicable.

He Xiner has always been generous in her actions, even if she is rewarding people with things, she should not be too stingy. She specially told Luo Hua that the silver hairpin she chooses does not need to be gorgeous, but should be generous.

So, when Mrs. Tan, Mrs. Chi, and Mrs. Chai held them in their hands, they were surprised to find that each silver hairpin was heavy, three times heavier than ordinary hairpins.

The three looked at each other, thinking about it.

Everyone in the house joked that Miss Fourth was from the countryside, and they also joked that they followed a useless master, and they just waited to eat dirt in the future, and they couldn't get a little bit of oil and water.

Who knew that Fourth Miss was so generous, they had only done a few days of work, and they received such a generous reward, it would make them want to die if they told it.

It can be seen that they are all blind.

From the very beginning, they knew that He Xiner was generous. When building the stove, she had to buy things, a beautiful brocade handkerchief, and fifty copper coins. Fourth Miss was not stingy at all.

As a result, it is only now that Miss Fourth is not only not stingy, but also very generous, okay?

"The mothers are all young ladies, and they should put the young lady first in everything. We ask the three mothers to keep the things in our yard and what we are doing now a secret."

"Miss Wei Yu, don't worry, we know that."

(End of this chapter)

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