The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1614 Do you have any good ideas

Chapter 1614 Do you have any good ideas
In an instant, Guan Mingwei's heart was full of mixed feelings, which were hard to put into words. He looked deeply at the woman in front of him, with complicated eyes, distressed, guilty, pity, bitterness... all kinds of emotions were entangled and disturbed his heart.

"Xin'er bear with it for a while, wait for me..."

Ye Xusheng frowned, he couldn't let him continue talking.


"Brother Guan..."

Two voices sounded almost simultaneously, interrupting Guan Mingwei's words.

He Xiner subconsciously looked at the eldest brother, and saw that he was looking at her with clear eyes, with a slight smile, and couldn't help being embarrassing.

Guan Mingwei, who was interrupted by the two of them, was also chattering. He had clearly thought about it, and he would be a little impatient when he mentioned the marriage when the time was right.

"Cough, cough, where does Xu Sheng want to go for dinner?"

"Well, there is Jiahefenglou at the east end of the street. It is said that the food is excellent and the business is booming. It is similar to Dingfulou."

"Okay, let's go there and try their signature dishes."

"Let's go."

The east and west ends of Qingque Street are relatively far away, and Hefeng Building and Dingfuju occupy the two ends, one east and one west, corresponding to each other, just like a ring.

Compared with the splendor and splendor of Dingfuju, Hefeng Building is no different. The decoration of the private room is exquisite and elegant. The classic red sandalwood wood frame and the luxurious and heavy carpet all make He Xiner sigh in admiration.

Ye Xusheng smiled slightly, in a happy mood.

Guan Mingwei is also in a good mood, the future is promising, and his heart is flying.

The reason why Hefenglou's business is doing well is that its dishes are outstanding, with excellent color, fragrance and taste. The three of them ate to their hearts' content, and Dabai also ate to his heart's content.

While He Xiner was happy, she didn't forget to comment on each dish. In the end, she came to a simple and rude conclusion. The dishes are exquisite and taste good. If MSG is added to the cooking, it will be perfect and impeccable.

Her eyebrows and eyes are curved, cute and sweet, like a ignorant and innocent little doll, but what she said makes people laugh, which is really interesting.

Guan Mingwei and Ye Xusheng laughed at each other.

Happy time always flies by quickly, after lunch, and discussing some business matters, before I know it, it's almost time.

Guan Mingwei had to go back to explain the condiment business matters, and the other was that he couldn't delay tomorrow's schoolwork, so he might have to rush back before dark.

No matter how reluctant, I have to go.

At this moment, he especially thanked Ye Xusheng. He has loved Xiner since he was a child. He has considered everything carefully and never caused her to be wronged. Now, in order to take care of Xiner nearby, he specially transferred to Qingyun Academy to study. It can be described as affectionate Righteousness.

"Xusheng, it's great that Xin'er has you as a big brother, thank you for always being by her side and taking care of her."

His solemn attitude made Ye Xusheng frowned again.

He doesn't need anyone to thank him for taking care of his beloved woman.

"Bon Voyage."

Ye Xusheng looked at the sun in the sky and sighed faintly in his heart, there is no reason for Xiumu to come next time. .

"Brother Guan, goodbye."

He Xiner smiled sweetly, and waved goodbye to Guan Mingwei.

The girl's innocent and beautiful smile made Guan Mingwei feel warm in his heart, and he replied in a deep voice, "Goodbye, Xusheng, Xin'er."

It wasn't until the rented carriage was gone that He Xiner looked away, but she suddenly felt the eyes of the people around her burning. She looked dully, and saw that the big brother was looking at her intently, and she couldn't help but blush.

"Let's go, let's take a look at Big Brother's house."

"Huh? The yard has been rented?"


He Xiner was stunned for a moment, trying to understand why he didn't mention this matter in front of Guan Mingwei.

"The yard has just been tidied up, and I need to add some things. Does Xin'er have any good ideas?"

"Hey, I have an idea. It's too much. Let's go, let's go and look at the yard first, and then discuss what we need to buy later."

"it is good"

Ye Xusheng curled his lips into a slight smile.

(End of this chapter)

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