Chapter 1615 Too scheming

Ye Xusheng took the bamboo box brought by Guan Mingwei, and took He Xiner and Dabai to the newly rented house.

As soon as she entered the house, He Xiner began to look at him curiously, but before she could see what happened, she was suddenly hugged by someone, which startled her, "Big brother... woo—"

Ye Xusheng, who had endured for a whole day, couldn't bear it any longer, the bamboo box in his hand was thrown aside when he entered the house, now he no longer has any scruples, after hugging someone, he bowed his head and kissed Dabai beside him without even looking at Dabai beside him go down.

Dabai silently rolled his eyes.

Ye Xusheng was passionate, his lips were hot, he kissed Xiaojiaoniang's soft lips deeply, blending with her breath, entangled with each other, kissing He Xiner who was caught off guard, dizzy and confused.

With warm and soft jade in his arms, his heart was soft, and he just wanted to hug each other like this until the end of time.

"Xiner, Xiner, I love you..."

Under the agitation of the mind, the deep love naturally revealed, full of happiness hit him, and his heart palpitations were severe. He quickly embraced the jade pendant of the little girl, licked and sucked it gently, extremely lingering, magnetic and seductive. The human voice made He Xiner's heart flutter, and she trembled slightly.

After a long time, Ye Xusheng gasped slightly, and ended the affectionate and long kiss. He lay on Xiaojiao Niang's shoulder, his chest heaved violently, his heart palpitations were even worse, and he couldn't help but want to ask for more...

After all, he still had a bit of reason, but he was afraid of scaring his little girl. He tried his best to suppress the restlessness in his heart, hugged her tightly, and his mind gradually cleared up.

"Xiner, Xiner, I'm so happy..."

He Xin'er nestled in the warm arms of her eldest brother, and smiled softly.

After being obsessed for a long time, Ye Xusheng realized that he was still in the yard. He smiled, picked up the beautiful woman in his arms, and went straight into the bedroom.

Dabai lay down on the porch bored, closed his eyes and fell asleep, a kennel had been prepared for him here.

Brat, you are so scheming,
There was no bedding, Ye Xusheng was thinking of waiting for He Xiner to choose, but when he came to check the hygiene last night, he saw that the bare bed board suddenly opened up, he couldn't let Xiner see such a deserted side, it must make people Once you enter the room, you will feel warm.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't like it, just buy it again.

But it's not good to make her look at the desolate room.

So, early in the morning, Ye Xusheng was busy, tidying up and arranging everywhere, and only when he couldn't find any faults, did he go looking for someone with satisfaction.

At this time, he was very lucky, okay, okay.

The decision made at that meeting was really very wise, if not, how would there be time to stay with her quietly.

There was still an hour and a half before dark, Ye Xusheng was counting the time, sighing from the bottom of his heart.

He Xiner was obsessed with his enthusiasm when she entered the courtyard, she was so shy for a while, she didn't have the heart to appreciate the courtyard, but now she was carried to the dormitory by the big brother in a gust of wind, she was still in a daze, sitting on the bed in a daze, looking at He was busy, and his froze brain started to work slowly.

She got out of bed and looked carefully at the yellow rosewood canopy bed carved with exquisite patterns, pink gauze curtains, beige bedding, soft pillows of the same color, and the most unexpected thing was that there was a pair of pink pig heads on the head of the bed. If you don't know it, it must be regarded as a boudoir. .

He Xiner's heart was light, full of joy and joy.

Ye Xusheng came in with a basin of warm water, just happened to see the smile in her eyes, and felt more at ease at the moment, and was even more grateful for the wise thing he did that morning.

"Xin'er washes her hands and face."

"Thank you big brother."

He Xiner's pretty face was still flushed, she was inevitably a little embarrassed, she lowered her head slightly, not daring to look at him. .

Ye Xusheng patted her on the head softly, without urging her, he took a cotton napkin and moistened it, gently wiped her cheeks, and carefully wiped her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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