The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1626 I know you don't dare

Chapter 1626 I know you don't dare
He Lan'er took the lead in yelling outside, and she didn't have the upbringing of a lady at all.

But in the clear sky, she and her people were about to ruin Qingxin Youju, but no one in the mansion cared about it.

Qingxin's secluded residence is just a bit out of the way, so there is no such a big movement, people outside will not hear it, but they just want to see her lively.

He Xiner is not in a hurry, Dabai's ancestor is coming back soon, maybe it's to see who's busy.

Luo Hua used the carriage in the mansion to go out, and she didn't buy many things. She was rushing back at this moment, and Dabai was always sitting majestically on the carriage frame. Successfully captured the faint bamboo whistle.

With a whoosh, it flew out like flying, scaring the groom who was driving and screaming, "My God——!"

Luo Hua was leaning against the carriage in a daze, when she heard the driver outside screaming again and again, knowing something was wrong, she hurriedly lifted the curtain and asked what happened.

"Quicker, faster..."

Knowing that Dabai rushed suddenly and Luohua was in a hurry, her first reaction was that something happened to her young lady and she had to go back.

Under the fierce autumn sun, Dabai ran into a white shadow, which caused people on the road to scream. Before they could see what the white shadow was, it had disappeared.

In Qingxin's secluded residence, He Lan'er was cursing furiously with her hands on her hips: "Unfilial things, if you build a small kitchen by yourself, you will know how to eat every day, and your mother will suffer in Zhuangzi..."

There were many people around her, and she urged them to knock on the door together. Seeing that the carved wooden door was crumbling, it was about to fail.

But he suddenly felt a chill behind him, and the howling wind made his scalp numb. He looked back instinctively, and suddenly saw a mighty white lion glaring at them. They were all frightened. Silly.

He Lan'er, who was scolding happily, also sensed it, and when she turned her head to look, she was also taken aback. After she realized it, she felt ashamed, and scolded more happily, "An uneducated thing, and a dog raised is also vulgar. ..."

Dabai was furious, and was about to jump up to give her a paw, when he heard a crisp voice, "Dabai don't hit her."

So He Lan'er was even more proud, "Hmph, I knew you wouldn't dare to..."

"Hoo ho ho ho--"

Dabai raised his head to the sky and roared.

Earthquakes shook the sky, and landslides were about to split.

He Lan'er and all the maids and women had never seen this battle before, they were so frightened that their wits flew out of their wits, and then they rolled their eyes and passed out.

Dabai's shocking roar was heard by everyone in the room, equally astonished and unhappy, but joyful, the three women felt relieved that they no longer had to stand against the door, secretly glad that Dabai came back in time.

The whole He Mansion heard Dabai's roar, the second lady Kong almost fell off the bed in fright, and Nanny Jiang broke into a cold sweat, it turned out that it was just scaring people that day, if it really annoyed it, you don't need to hit anyone Yes, just shouting such a voice can knock people out.

Don't talk about how others feel, just talk about the dignified and elegant old lady in Songhe Hall, she was really shocked when she heard the roar of wild beasts suddenly, she thought it was a tiger entering He's mansion, she was so frightened that her body trembled. Trembling, the flower scissors in her hand fell and hit her foot, causing her to groan in pain, tears directly covering her eyes.

Nurse Ji beside her was also frightened so that the three souls went away for a couple and a half, and she was in a state of confusion. She only reacted when she heard the master's call, and hurried to help.

At the same time, some of the maids in the room screamed in alarm, and some bumped into the tables, making a mess.

"Madam, are you okay? Do you want to see a doctor?"

The old lady, who instinctively bent down to hold her feet, realized that she had lost her composure, and her face was blue with anger. She forced herself to calm down, tried her best to control her trembling hands, and said in a deep voice, "I'm fine, send someone out Let's see what's going on."


Speaking of Dabai's roar, not to mention the entire He Mansion, even Qingyun Academy, which is more than ten miles away, can be heard. Ye Xusheng's expression changed instantly when he was studying.

(End of this chapter)

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