The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1627 Missed such an opportunity for nothing

Chapter 1627 Missed such an opportunity for nothing
In Songhe Hall, the old lady sits on the Luohan couch.

Her back was straight, she had a full posture, and her aura was full. All the maids and women in the room hung their heads and held their breath, not daring to make any movement.

If you look closely, you will find that the old lady's face is pale at this time, her hands are trembling, but the cold sweat on her back can't be seen.

Enduring the pain in her feet, she tried her best to maintain a dignified sitting posture, waiting for the news with a cold face.

Soon, Nanny Ji came in hurriedly with the eldest maid, Shao Yao, with an embarrassing expression on her face.

"Old lady..."

After following the old lady all her life, Nanny Ji has never seen any big scenes, the back house is private, there are many things that can't be seen, and she has blood on her hands, and her head is still terrified.

The dog was really fierce.

It roared like a ferocious beast, and it shook people's souls.

Jiang forced her to go to Qingxin Youju in person. The situation at that time was terrible. More than a dozen masters and servants of the eldest lady all fainted to death. It seemed that it was not ordinary.

But she didn't dare to criticize, the dog was watching her covetously, how dare she dare to trouble Miss Fourth?
It is not easy to drag the two legs of soft noodles and forcefully walk out of the yard.

The old lady looked over quietly, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"It's Miss Fourth's dog. It scared the eldest lady and all the maids around her into fainting."

Hearing this, the old lady's hands shook violently, and she gritted her teeth secretly, "Is it just to frighten you? That dog didn't bite or catch anyone?"

Even though she asked this question, she knew in her heart that the dog's roar could scare people into unconsciousness, but she was still not reconciled. If the dog bit or scratched people, she could just die. The girl did it with family law, and then ordered her to deal with the dog herself.

Nanny Ji looked at the master subconsciously, her old eyes flickering, "According to the maid next to Miss Si, it was the eldest lady who started insulting Miss Fourth when she entered the Qingxin Youju, and even beat the maid next to her. Miss Si couldn't be more angry I slapped her back, the young miss got angry and wanted to demolish Qingxin Youju, then, then the dog came back and yelled, and the young lady's master and servant fainted from fright."

This made her feel uncomfortable.

She knew why the eldest lady was looking for trouble.

But she was going on behalf of the old lady, so naturally she couldn't be biased, she had to ask a question or two decently, so she got such a set of arguments.

She had to report it truthfully.

As for the words from the young lady's side, there is no such thing now, everyone passed out, and they don't know when they will wake up.

Of course, you can only listen to that end.

The old lady gritted her teeth secretly, fainted by fright, fainted by fright!
What a waste!
In such a situation, how can she use family law to a dead girl?
It was calculated originally, but according to the big girl's temper, she can tear down Qingxin Youju with a few words of provocation, and that girl can break people's fingers at will, so she is not at a disadvantage. Now there is a big dog If you stand close, you will definitely not be able to spare the big girl.

As long as, as long as she bullies the big girl with that dog calmly, then her dog will never be kept.


Oh, I'm stunned, this can't be done justice.

That girl wasn't dumb, people didn't tell everyone, she was the one who came to insult and seek trouble, and wanted to demolish the yard, when the dog guard yelled, she passed out.

This this……

It can't be said that someone has broken into the house, and the dog is not allowed to protect the master, right?

It didn't bite you, didn't hit you, it just yelled, although its voice was earth-shattering, but it was really for protecting the Lord, what can you do?
In order to scare people into fainting, they killed their dogs?
It's clear at a glance what your thoughts are.

The old lady had a sullen face, fierce eyes, and low air pressure. She missed such an opportunity for nothing, so it's no wonder she was angry.

Moreover, she found that the dog was really too difficult to deal with, it couldn't be killed by poison, and it couldn't be calculated. Could it be that it was allowed to run amok in the mansion?

Hmph, absolutely impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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