The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1628 Dabai did a good job

Chapter 1628 Dabai did a good job

Besides, when Ye Xusheng heard Dabai's roar, his heart suddenly shrank into a ball.

Not caring about asking for leave with his husband, he put down his books and ran away, behind him were shouts from his teacher and classmates, but he didn't have time to explain, he knew that if he could shout like that, Xiner must be in danger.

He rushed out of the academy in one breath, he didn't want to attract attention, so he gave up the idea of ​​running to He's mansion, hired a carriage quickly, and hurried all the way.

There was still one street away from the He Mansion, so he got out of the car.

Outside the courtyard wall of the back garden of He Mansion, he raised his breath and screamed, calling for Dabai.

When he was in the carriage, he thought about it carefully, if Xin'er was really in danger, Dabai would not yell, but would strike directly. The reason why it yelled loudly was probably to shock the other party.

It's scary.

He also wanted to understand this so that he could maintain his rationality and not jump directly into He's residence.

Dabai rushed to the front like lightning, its black eyes were full of joy, and there was a faint taste of coquettishness, as if it was waiting for his praise.

It was rare for Ye Xusheng to stroke it affectionately, "Good job Dabai!"

Seeing Dabai's cheerful appearance, he was completely relieved.

"Wuweizhai has fresh cakes again, do you want to eat them?"

Hey, it's rare for a bad boy to be so gentle~
A smile flashed in his big white eyes, and he rubbed Ye Xusheng's hand, acting like a baby.

Ye Xusheng patted it, and said warmly, "Go, take Xin'er back to our house, brother to buy pastries."

Dabai Le jumped up and down, the bad boy called himself brother for the first time, of course it was happy, it was so happy, it became a little happy, after running a few steps, it jumped into the He Mansion, and then carried There was a gust of wind, and it went straight to Qingxin Youju, and was just seen by the servants in the mansion, who almost fell to the ground in shock.

It was really too fast, like a bolt of lightning.

Oh mother, what kind of dog does Fourth Miss have?

At this time of Qingxin's secluded residence, the yard has been cleaned up neatly, and those who fainted were also carried away by Jiang's order, and they were temporarily quiet.

The three women were tall and strong, and they pushed around with others for a long time. Nothing happened, but they suffered a few little maids. The little face was scratched a few times by He Lan'er's long armor with the lunatic.

He Xiner was in so much pain that she ordered Luo Hua, who came back after the incident, to call for a doctor quickly, and also specially ordered the medicine to be used to remove the scar.

Therefore, when the doctor came, he was well prepared, and he showed it to several servant girls, and he said that there was no major problem, even the wound on Xiao Yu's face would not leave a scar.

He Xiner finally felt relieved.

"It's good to rest. The outside affairs will be sorted out by the people in the house, so we don't have to worry about it."


It was the first time for the little maids to fight in groups. Although they suffered a lot due to their small bodies and light bodies, they were inexplicably excited. They couldn't care less about the pain in their bodies. They all had bright eyes and winked at each other. I want to urgently exchange experience and discuss the meaning of harvest, so I don't want to be too obvious about the flirtatious look.

He Xiner couldn't laugh or cry.

Dare to feel that these fruits are a bit violent.

But that's good too, you can't be a little sheep who can be bullied.

Seeing that they were in good spirits, she didn't worry too much.

The main thing is the face that is afraid of light rain, but I have been told over and over again, "Remember not to touch the water, and wait until the scabs are removed. The left and right are in the yard, and no outsiders will see it. It doesn't matter if you don't wash your face."

Xiao Yu's eyes were a little red, the young lady actually beat the young lady because of her being a servant, even now she still feels that it was a dream.

"Miss, don't worry, the maid will remember."

(End of this chapter)

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