Chapter 1647
He Chuer and He Qier are also two personal maids and four little maids, and they go out together again, a dozen of them are mighty and imposing.

They are constrained by the status of concubine daughters, and they are not as confident as concubine daughters. They have never put up such a big battle, and now they feel surprisingly good, and instantly feel that the aura is two meters eight.

No wonder He Lan'er had to bring so many people back home.

It turns out that this is the taste of the stars holding the moon.

The two were very interested.

It was a joy to have a portion of silver and clothing items for the festival, and the precious brocade jewelry promised by the old lady was simply a surprise.

Now surrounded by more than a dozen maids, I feel that my life has reached its peak, so I wish I could walk sideways.

"Second sister, let's go to Linlang Pavilion for a stroll, shall we?"

He Qier likes the jewelry of Linlang Pavilion. All kinds of jewelry made of natural materials such as jade, tourmaline, agate, coral, jadeite, and pearl are exquisite and radiant. Even a small bead flower is exquisite and exquisite. Incomparable.

It can be said that there is not one piece of jewelry in Linlang Pavilion that she doesn't like.

All the accessories purchased by the public are custom-made in the Wanfu Silver Building, mainly gold ornaments, which are elegant, graceful and luxurious, and are not suitable for girls to wear.

He Chuer likes gold jewelry, but she doesn't feel anything.

But He Qier was extremely troubled, she loved Linlang Pavilion's jewelry very much, but in May and February, she could only buy small things, and she couldn't do it if she wanted a complete set of embellishments.

On weekdays, I can only look at the ocean and sigh.

Isn't it a holiday? She has a lot more money and is in a good mood, so she wants to buy two beautiful jewellery.

He Chu'er had nothing to do, so he agreed.

A group of people went straight to Linlang Pavilion.

"Miss, the maid has seen Miss Fourth."

He Chuer's eldest maid, Yingqiu, had sharp eyes, and saw He Xiner leading people into the Wanfu Silver Building through the pedestrians all over the street.

"Hmph, let's take a look too."

Originally, they took so many maids shopping because of their vigor. Now that they meet someone, they have to go up to see what that bumpkin is up to.

As for their scruples about Dabai, they are not so afraid now.

That dog doesn't growl when walking on the street, let alone bite people frantically. If the people on the street are not afraid, then they are not afraid either.

After completing the mental construction, the two looked at each other and quickened the movements of their feet.

At this moment, He Xiner took Dabai and sat down in the reception area on the first floor. A few maidservants stood on either side of her, whispering excitedly, chattering happily.

Luo Hua and Qiu Yu, as big maids, are much calmer than the younger ones. They stand behind their master on the left and right, their eyes are clear and bright, they don't look around, they are very well-behaved.

Dabai snuggled up to He Xiner, he was obedient and docile, very quiet, and the waiter who came to entertain him breathed a sigh of relief.

When the big dog was about to come in, the people in the store were startled. The customers who were shopping gave way to them one after another, and they all crowded together to look at the pitiful one.

This girl occupies the reception area by herself, so she is free.

"Excuse me, do you want gold-headed noodles or silver-headed noodles?"

Xiaoer stopped at a distance and didn't move forward.

"Bring some silver hairpins, silver hairpins, pearls, bracelets, earrings, and rings that are suitable for them."

The little maids immediately stopped biting their ears, and all looked at their master in surprise. Luo Hua and Wei Yu were also very surprised, and they just stood there in a daze.

The waiter in the shop was the first to react. He was a little surprised, and quickly responded cheerfully, and walked briskly to serve the jewelry to the customer.

"You're welcome, you can choose what you like, and it's a festival to add two accessories."

He Chu'er and He Qi'er had already brought people in, and the guests who were halfway across the room had already seen her, and happened to hear her words clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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