The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1648 Not too embarrassed

Chapter 1648 Not too embarrassed

Both were startled.

I thought she brought all the maids out just to show off, but it turned out that they were shopping for the maids.

If I had known this, I would not have followed.

It's not that they can't afford it, a few pieces of silver jewelry don't cost much money, but, but the problem is that they don't have much silver in their hands, and it's not such a rewarding method to reward servants, how can she be so simple and rude, directly Come everyone has a share.

Really, really rich money to burn.

As masters, they will naturally reward their servants.

Most of them are old-fashioned jewelry that I have used, and sometimes I reward silver, but it is not like her.

Where is the attitude of the superior master?
What I don't know is that she is playing with a group of younger sisters, doting on them like a big sister, and getting whatever she wants.

He Xiner's maidservants had already cheered, and they were all happily discussing, chattering so lively.

The girl next to He Chuer and He Qier was full of envy and complex eyes.

"I didn't realize that Fourth Miss was so generous."

"I heard that there is a small stove in their yard every day, and they eat meat every day, and they eat it in different ways."

"Is this really the case? Who did you hear from?"

"The people in their yard are tight-lipped. This is what the kitchen steward said. They ask the kitchen to buy vegetables every day, including chicken, duck, fish, and meat."

"Oh, those who serve Miss Fourth are lucky..."

"It's not just a blessing, let me tell you that it's a very lucky job to serve in front of the fourth lady. Just now, the fourth lady said that everyone can choose the jewelry they like. Which lady has such a spoiled person around her?" , buy whatever you want?"

"Look at how happy those little maids are, oh, I'm so envious..."

The little maids were lively, and couldn't hold back when they had something to say in their hearts. They bit their ears in a low voice, and they became more courageous as they spoke, and their voices also increased. He Chuer and He Qier didn't want to hear it. are difficult.

The two of them felt tight in their chests and couldn't breathe freely.

Under such circumstances, if you yell and scold him, it is really unpopular, and it seems that you are too petty.

The two of them who had made up their minds to compete with He Xiner, ground their teeth very hard, and decided to show off their spirits.

Isn't it just a few pieces of silver jewelry? If there is a few silver coins, I think they are the dignified Miss He Fu, and they are still short of this little money.

Never show timidity in front of bumpkins.

He Chuer and He Qier looked at each other, then glanced at He Xiner, their eyes swept over Dabai, although they saw that it was cute and cute, they didn't have the guts to go up to it.

There is only one reception area on the first floor, which occupies a rather large corner. It is no problem to seat a dozen people, but with Dabai, no one dares to come over.

As for the private room on the second floor, there's no need to think about it. It's embarrassing to go up without a few thousand taels of silver.

He Chu'er gritted her teeth secretly, and gave He Xin'er who was not far away unwillingly a look, then turned her head and said to the maidservants beside her, "You have followed me since childhood, you are both master and servant and sisters, the deep affection is not theirs. Comparable to..."

Isn't it just buying people's hearts, she will too, hmph, what's so great about it.

Therefore, He Chuer and He Qier took the opportunity to brainwash a group of maidservants with the idea that money can't be spent in vain, expressing how sympathetic and merciful they are as masters, so that they can know who is the best. Is the best master.

The long and emotional discussion ended, and at the end he said, "I think of your dedication to serving you, and I specially reward you with manuscripts. Everyone can choose their favorite silver hairpin..."

"Puchi~, after a lot of rambling, I finally rewarded you with a worthless silver hairpin, it's not too embarrassing!"

At that time, the Wanfu Silver Building was full of customers and their voices were noisy. The group of them stood not far from the counter and talked in a circle alone. They thought no one was paying attention, but they were overheard.

(End of this chapter)

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