Chapter 1656 It's over
The old madam was almost stunned, she had never seen such a bold person, dared to talk back to the elders, dared to scold the elders for their lack of character, and even ignored her as the head of the family!
No rules!
It's so unruly!
According to her idea, the family law waited on her to see if she dared to be so rampant!

But she is not stupid, it is unrealistic to want to hit someone after making such a fuss.

The old lady gritted her teeth secretly. When she just returned to the mansion, she was silent and thought she was an honest and responsible person, but she turned out to be a difficult master.

She was so pissed off!
Hmph, she still doesn't believe it. After living her whole life, she still can't beat a yellow-haired girl.

Let's wait and see.

Elder Master He Hongjin glanced at the slim girl, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

What he likes is He Jiaming who can lead the He family to prosperity, so he doesn't care if he kisses his daughter or not.

It's just a trace of joy in my heart, what's going on?

"Okay, this matter is over."

The dignified and tenacious old lady finally spoke, she was as noble, elegant and amiable as ever, "Today's holiday is a time for family reunion, we should be happy, don't mention those things again."

The old lady deserves to be the old lady!
He Xiner cast her eyes on her in admiration.

That's all, as long as you don't target her anymore, love will do anything, isn't it just eating, and I happen to be hungry.

The head of the family, the old lady, put on airs, and the old god said in a deep voice, "Let's go."

The mothers-in-law and maidservants who had been waiting for a long time immediately acted and arranged the wine and dishes in an orderly manner. Fortunately, the dishes and food prepared early were placed in food boxes with heat preservation functions, so they were not too cold.

Furthermore, the verbal lawsuit didn't last too long, but the feeling of you coming and going has been noisy for a long time. In fact, after seeing the shamelessness of the second room, He Xiner immediately turned on the stalking mode. The second master was speechless.

The rules of the He residence are not to speak when eating or sleeping.

He Xin'er was happy and quiet, and didn't care about others, she just ate with her head down, she picked up a lion's head with her serving chopsticks, she was thinking while eating, Dabai loves this, it seems like she forgot to tell Luo Hua...

"Fourth sister—"

He Xiner's first reaction was that the voice was not from the Eldest Young Master. When she looked up, she saw that it was the Fourth Young Master He Jiajie looking at her with bright eyes. .

What look is this?
"Is something wrong?"

She opened her mouth lightly.

"I heard that your big dog is very powerful, as fierce as a lion?"


He Xiner looked at him fixedly.

Men and women sat in separate seats, and He Jiajie ran to her side on purpose, and she would hang her head on the temporary stool, but she felt a little bit strange, but she didn't care.

"Hey, the fourth younger sister is a woman in a boudoir, there is no danger in staying in the mansion every day..."

She felt that the other party was making up her mind, sure enough~
"Fourth younger sister, please give that big dog to fourth brother. Fourth brother walks outside every day, and sometimes encounters bad guys. He needs a big dog to protect him..."

He Xin'er was convinced. Where did the person in the second bedroom have the face? Just now when his father was about to tear himself apart, he didn't see him stand up and say something fair. Now he is licking his face and opening his mouth to want someone's pet. Also say what needs to be protected.

The protection you need, go to your father, why are you looking for her?

"No delivery."

The voice of Qing Lingling sounded, like pearls and jade falling on the plate, clear and sweet~
She flatly refused.

Leave no leeway.

"Oh, brother four won't let you suffer, how about buying it for 100 taels of silver?"

"No way, neither give nor sell."

The old lady looked over quietly, her eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling, as if she was extremely happy, "Jia Jie is too stingy, no wonder the fourth girl doesn't like it..."

He Xiner was speechless.

The old lady is so old that she can really make a fuss.

He Hongjin turned his head and glanced at the head, without making any expression.

The second master, He Hongzhang, was quite concerned, and shouted in a rough voice, "500 taels, no more!"

(End of this chapter)

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