The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1657 How dare you play tricks

Chapter 1657 How dare you play tricks

He Xiner completely lost her appetite. She put down her chopsticks and looked at He Jiajie with a half-smile, "Fourth Young Master, you haven't seen my big dog yet, have you?"

"Young master is busy every day, so how can I have time to stay in the mansion? I have never seen your big dog. You sent your maid to call the dog, and you will pay the money and deliver the goods. But it is agreed, you have to let the dog Recognize the young master as the master."

He Jiajie only regarded her as agreeing, and stopped calling him Fourth Sister. He even called himself a young master, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

He Xiner smiled angrily, and did not send Wei Yu back, but slowly untied her purse.

Seeing this, the second wife, Mrs. Kong, sarcastically said, "What kind of big dog is worth 500 taels of silver? The master is too generous. Look at the success of the fourth girl. I took out my purse and waited to put the silver bills."

He Jiaheng glanced here, unable to say anything.

Slowly understanding the person in the purse, he looked up at Kong steadfastly, and said with a chuckle, "The fourth young master has never seen Dabai, but the second lady has, and she knows its abilities..."

Kong froze, recalling Dabai's scary appearance that day, his face turned pale, and he said in his heart that he was not afraid of being a lie.

It's just that with her master and son here, she is more confident than usual, and she thinks that He Xiner is moved by the 500 taels of silver, and she despises and feels distressed, so she doesn't care about her anymore.

"Hmph, if you're a stupid dog, you still need to spend 500 taels of silver."

500 taels, the three words were bitten very hard by her, it can be seen that her heart is broken.

He Xiner...

"I didn't talk about selling. Dabai is my little friend who grew up with me, and it can't be measured by money."

"Do you dare to play tricks?"

The fourth young master, He Jiajie, is obviously a spoiled brat, in front of all the elders, he takes one young master at a time, without any rules at all.

The old master won't take care of him, as long as he doesn't call him young master, he won't bother to take care of him. If he develops such a personality, he will definitely suffer in the future.

The old lady loved the second wife from the bottom of her heart, and she was a grandson, so she just turned a blind eye and didn't criticize too much.

He Xiner sneered, everyone said that the old lady was the most polite, so it turned out that her rules were only for female relatives.

The eldest young master, He Jiaheng, couldn't stand it anymore, but this fourth child always did his own thing and was the only one who respected himself. Even if he accused him, the other party didn't care.

Didn't you see that the old lady and the second master turned a deaf ear? With their support, this kid has no fear, and no one is afraid.

Especially without He Jiaming's suppression, this kid is going crazy.

No wonder he was caught and ruthless.

This He Jiaheng's mind was spinning wildly, and He Xiner had already taken out the bamboo whistle. She smiled lightly, "I'll call Dabai, and Fourth Young Master can discuss it with him~"

Before the Fourth Young Master He Jiajie could say anything, he was startled by the sharp and ear-piercing voice, all the other onlookers were startled, and the servants and servants standing on both sides of the hall were all startled.

It's really that the whistle is too sharp, and the sound is sudden and strange, so it's no surprise if you don't be surprised.

No one paid attention to the second young lady Yin's pale face and cold sweat, because they were all watching the excitement, even He Chuer and He Qier forgot about the embarrassing thing, they only wanted to watch He Xiner's excitement.

Things with shallow eyelids, without the dog, let alone 500 taels, so what if it's 5000 taels, can she keep it?He was gloating, and was so frightened by her that he almost didn't go under the table.

"Hey, my young master's ears were almost deafened by you..."

A white shadow, as fast as lightning, whizzed over with a strong gust of wind, knocking He Jiajie to the ground, almost breaking his tailbone, he hissed and gasped in pain, and was about to yell, He saw a little calf, a big white dog, rubbing against He Xiner affectionately.

my day!

Did the dog fly in?

(End of this chapter)

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