The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1658 Be careful it bites you

Chapter 1658 Be careful it bites you

"Dabai, he wants to buy you and be your master, and he wants to separate us."

The cardamom girl is pure and innocent, she pouts her mouth and sues it very aggrieved, scaring the foolish people in the room and making their hearts shudder.

When she scolded the second master, she was very stubborn, but now she actually acted like a baby with a dog, this feeling is really incompetent.

Also, and the speed of that dog, it's so fast that it's unbelievable, it's too scary!
The Second Young Mistress flashed before her eyes. The scene of the dog suddenly appearing like a heavenly soldier and hitting the heart into the pond that day made her tremble with fright. Crack, she jumped in to avoid one or two.

And the others were not much better. The calm and dignified old lady was startled and her heart was beating wildly. Even He Hongjin, who was deeply scheming and extremely rich in the city, was also frightened by it. He really didn't expect it to be so fast. so-so.

Not to mention the female relatives, even the second master and the eldest young master, all of them couldn't help their hearts beating wildly.

The gust of wind it brought just now was strong and swift, not only overturning He Jiajie, but everyone present here were not stupid, if it wasn't for He Xiner, it's hard to say that they wouldn't be overthrown by it collectively.

The Fourth Young Master He Jiajie, grinning and hissing, was being supported by a servant to get up from the ground, when the dog suddenly turned his head to look at him, his faint green eyes seemed to be dancing with two clusters of flames , obviously extremely angry, on the verge of breaking out.

The fourth young master, He Jiajie, has an intuition that if he dares to mention buying it again, this guy will jump up and tear himself apart!
The person who was pampered since he was a child was so shocked that his scalp was numb. He got up slowly, trying not to make any movement, thinking about slipping back quietly, as if nothing happened.

As a result, the dog suddenly took a step forward, lowered its head and bared its teeth at him. Its sharp teeth were shining coldly, as if it was about to pounce on him at any moment and bite his neck off. How could a 15-year-old boy have experienced this before?He was so horrified that his hairs stood on end, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

"No, no, I was joking with my fourth sister, don't buy it, don't buy it..."

It was almost human instinct, without even thinking about it, he resolutely broke off the relationship and never admitted the fact that he had made up his mind.

Subconsciously, he just knew that the dog could understand.

Sure enough, the dog changed his face in an instant, he was no longer fierce, and then he didn't even look at him again, and ran back happily to his master to act like a baby.

He Jiajie was dumbfounded.

Everyone in the room was stunned.

"My darling, the lion's head my sister left for you is not too cold. Come and taste it, but you still like it."

The girl's crisp and cheerful voice broke the silence in the flower hall, and everyone in the room, no matter if it was the master or the servants, their jaws dropped to the ground in shock.

What is this called?
Dabai happily licked her hand, which made He Xiner giggle, as if no one was around, not to mention how comfortable she was.

The generally lifeless atmosphere became inexplicably joyful.

He Hongjin rolled his eyes, picked up his wine glass and took a sip.

The old lady exhaled quietly.

He Jiaheng had a smile on his face, he was really a child, innocent and cute.

The fourth young master He Jiajie didn't slip out quietly either, he pushed away the supporting boy, slowly, slowly leaned forward, and then reached out to take a plate of rock sugar elbows from the table, "That, that, Fourth Sister, can I feed it?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the people in the room focused on him, and the second lady was anxious, "Hey, what are you doing? Didn't you see how fierce it was just now? Be careful that it bites you."

He Xin'er looked over quietly, and said with a light smile, "Second Madam is really wronged, she is docile, well-behaved and obedient, and never bites."

Docile? ? ?

"Come on, darling, I know your fourth brother."

Fourth brother? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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