The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1662 What's Your Name 4 Young Masters

Chapter 1662 What is the Fourth Young Master?
It turned out that it was the eldest brother who saved her.

Old Qian's sudden madness broke He Xiner's heart. Although she tried her best to comfort herself afterwards, she did not let go completely.

For the situation at the time, never asked.

Mrs. Wang didn't know that she had died, but Ye Laiyin, who knew everything, felt sorry for her being wronged, and dared not mention it for fear that she would be sad.

Old Yetou thought it was the magic medicine that saved her life, but Ye Laijin kept his mouth shut because he was afraid of ruining her reputation because his son gave the medicine mouth to mouth.

Therefore, He Xiner didn't know that her heart had stopped beating at that time.

Call ~
He Xiner put her hand on her left chest, feeling its beating, with mixed feelings in her heart.

The hall brother saved her several times~
"Miss, this dress hasn't been worn yet, how about wearing it today?"

While dazed in a daze, Luo Hua had already brought over an exquisite wide-sleeved dress, and Wei Yu brought a few little maids with him, carrying washbasins and other things, ready to go.

He Xiner turned her head and looked, it was a moon white wide-sleeved brocade dress, with golden silk thread finely crushing rice beads on the front of the skirt, embroidering a complicated and exquisite pattern of peacock collar and feathers, the jacket and the elegant ankle-length skirt, all of which were beautiful. The exquisite and gorgeous peacock collar feathers embroidered with golden silk thread are matched with a light and smoky organdy veil of the same color. The whole dress is gorgeous and exquisite.

He Xiner was dumbfounded, these were not her clothes.

Oh, that's right, when the people in Qianxiufang took the measurements last time, she only confessed that the color should not be too bright, but she didn't care about the style of the clothes.

However, this is too gorgeous.

"It's just that the New Year's day is not a festival, who would dress like this at home, it's so inconvenient, let's keep it at the bottom of the box..."

Luo Hua was a little disappointed.

Miss put on the exquisite wide-sleeved dress yesterday, her whole temperament is different, she is as noble as a princess, so beautiful, she hopes that the lady will be beautiful every day, like a princess.

She murmured unwillingly, "This dress is so beautiful, Miss will look like a little fairy when she wears it..."

Little fairy?
He Xiner's heart skipped a beat.

"That, that, that's it, the bottom of the box is wasted, hang it up, I'll wear it this afternoon."

Wei Yu, who was standing on one side, had a flash in his eyes.

Luo Hua, who had accepted her opinion, immediately rolled her eyes with a smile, not to mention how happy she was.

"Hey, the servant girl knows."

Luo Hua happily agreed, carefully put away the complicated and exquisite dress, and took off a new tight-fitting skirt with narrow sleeves.

He Xin'er had just washed up when she heard someone calling fourth sister outside, she didn't need to guess who it was, this person was always a troublesome person, breaking into other people's yard early in the morning, what's wrong with this?
"Miss, it's the Fourth Young Master."

"Well, go out and have a look."

Xiao Xing and Xiao Tao were outside, and they didn't know what they saw, they could only hear the two screaming excitedly.

He Xiner paused, "Where did Dabai go?"

"When the servant girl came in, Dabai wasn't there, maybe he went out to play."

She nodded and said nothing more.

Dabai got up much earlier than her, and couldn't stay in the house early in the morning. He always liked to go out for a run, and usually came back soon.

"Fourth sister, this is your fourth brother's sunflower cockatoo that I have raised for many years. It is very smart and can talk a lot. I will give it to you to relieve boredom."

The fourth young master, He Jiajie, has a fair complexion and regular facial features. He is thin and thin. He wears a shirt, but he is not at all bookish. He looks like a gangster.

At this time, he looked like he was offering treasures, his eyes were fixed on He Xiner, and he was so hot that he was about to spurt sparks.

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

"Fourth Young Master..."

"Oh, what's your name, Fourth Young Master? If you call me Fourth Brother, you'll be closer to me. My brothers all call me Brother Jie, and the Fourth Younger Sister calls me Brother Jie. No matter how bad it is, you can call me Little Brother."

He Xiner...

(End of this chapter)

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