The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1663 Don't go back on your word

Chapter 1663 Don't go back on your word

Automatically ignoring the address, He Xiner squinted slightly to look at the birdcage in his hand,
It was the first time she had seen a sunflower cockatoo.

Its feathers are snow-white, and there are elongated yellow crested crest feathers on the top of its head, ear feathers, throat feathers, and pale yellow cheeks, which are very beautiful.

"It talks a lot?"

Turning to look at He Jiajie, he saw a flash of uneasiness in his eyes. He Xiner suddenly realized that this bird was probably raised to look good, but he didn't know how to speak.

Hey, talk or not, she doesn't want it.

No matter how He Xiner refused, the fourth young master, He Jiajie, happily put down the birdcage and ran away, "Fourth sister, I gave you my most precious pets, so you can't be stingy. When you are taking a rest, take advantage of the big white day. We've made a deal, don't go back on your word..."

The person had already run outside the courtyard, but he still heard his voice from afar.

He Xiner didn't know what to say.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, she brought Li Yu to Songhe Hall as usual.

Perhaps it is because of the four young masters in the mansion, all of them are jealous of Dabai, especially your fourth young master, He Jiajie, who stalks Dabai, hugging and hugging him, Dabai has a good temper and lets him go, especially It's well-behaved and very cute, and all the female relatives are emboldened after seeing it, and they are no longer as scared as before when they think of it.

Even the second wife and the second young mistress became more courageous.

The old lady's disgust was greatly relieved, and she no longer regarded Dabai as a thorn in her side or a thorn in her flesh, and she had to get rid of it quickly.

Because her grandson likes it, she can bear it for a while.

In addition, she could see that He Xiner was not a master who could be easily handled, but also a tough one. If she wanted to make her obedient, she had to take her time, there was no rush.

Therefore, she changed her previous demeanor and didn't dig holes everywhere, and her attitude became more sincere than before.

Well, she feels very sincere.

"Xin'er greets the old lady."

"Get up, good boy."

It was no different from the daily greetings, He Xiner still wanted to get away, but was taken aback by the old lady's enthusiasm.

He was also concerned about whether she had a headache or whether she was dizzy, not to mention being considerate.

And the others no longer collectively guard against her or target her, tense all over, but talk and chat easily, as if they are so close to each other, but it seems that she is the one who secretly intrigues Made it up.

Tut, tut, all of them are actors.

The old lady, who had become a dramatist, showed a lot of love and care, and He Xiner finally got away and left.

Unexpectedly, on the way, I ran into the second young master He Jiayu who was looking for her specially, "Fourth sister, we agreed last night, let Dabai accompany me to Zhuangzi today..."

He Xiner feels so good~
She didn't plan to go out in the morning, she was going to stay in the courtyard and write fairy tales, so it was okay for Dabai to go out with him.

It's just that she has been reluctant to interact with the people in the He Mansion before, it's best for everyone not to interact with each other and live their own lives.

If I knew it would become like this, I wouldn't let Dabai show up yesterday.

He Xiner regretted it.

"Hey, I know fourth sister that you like raising small animals, how about second brother bringing you a beautiful little white rabbit when he comes back?"

No matter, He Xiner silently cursed.

Only finally agreed to him.

She is so talkative, oh~
"My dear boy, I'll be back in the afternoon, don't delay."

Four arrived at Qingxin's secluded residence, He Xiner hugged Dabai who had just had breakfast, whispered to it, told her over and over again, and Dabai rubbed her to show that she had remembered it.

Under the repeated urging of the second young master, she reluctantly let go, and watched the person who laughed like a second fool leave with Dabai, feeling a little depressed.

After breakfast without interest, He Xiner sat in front of the low desk in the study, writing in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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