The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1664 What kind of stupid bird is this

Chapter 1664 What kind of stupid bird is this

The images of the dream flashed through her mind from time to time, her heart could not calm down, she simply put down the pen in her hand, went to the corridor to watch the little maid teasing the sunflower cockatoo.

"It's good to call Miss Fourth, hurry up, there are delicious rewards~"


"Follow me, fourth-little-sister-good-!"


The beautiful bird with snow-white feathers raised its head proudly, but ignored her, and the little maid yelled in a rough voice, "What kind of stupid bird is this..."

He Xiner smiled and was in a good mood.

Looking around, Luo Hua and Xiao Yu were doing needlework again, some of the four little maids were tidying up the house, some were playing with the birds, and the three maids were doing nothing in the kitchen.

The courtyard of Qingxin Youju is not big, and she is not a busybody, but there are nine maidservants, so don't be too leisurely.

Instead of wasting time like this, it's better to try to earn some money.

There is no harm in having more money, isn't it?

He Xiner had thought about selling the monosodium glutamate to Dingfuju before, and it was also a chance to make money for those around her, so it was not in vain to have a fight with her.

But because of some things, I thought too much and gave up that idea.

Thinking of He Jiaheng standing up, defending her in front of everyone, and sending her back at night, He Xiner thinks that his character is still good.

can cooperate.

Just what to do?
The monosodium glutamate was handed over to the family, and Uncle Guan would promote it, so she didn't mix it up.

"Miss, Mother Tan asked, what kind of soup would you like to have for lunch? There are fresh beef bones to make beef bone soup, and fresh crucian carp to make fish soup."

The big kitchen is still assigned, the small kitchen mainly cooks soup for her, and then cooks for Dabai and the others. It's not troublesome, just add a meat dish to each meal.

Because the public share is also essential, it can't be cheap, the big kitchen is not.

The servants' meals are mainly vegetarian, and it is rare to see any meaty food. It is said that this is the rule and has nothing to do with money. The He family is not the one who is short of money.

No matter what the rules are, He Xiner must eat well.

Therefore, the main task of the three of Mrs. Tan is to take care of everyone's three meals a day.

As a concubine, He Xiner's daily meals are quite good, but Mrs. Tan loves her and feels that the soup in the big kitchen is not good enough, so she cooks soup for her in different ways every day, so that everyone can drink it. some light.

"Fresh beef bones?"

He Xiner repeated it in a low voice, and suddenly had a good idea, she smiled lightly and said, "Boil the beef bone soup in a big pot, everyone can drink it."


The maid, Xiaoli, happily ran to the kitchen to answer, and He Xiner returned to the study with a smile.

I wrote down a lot of items and seasonings that need to be purchased in one breath, and handed them over to Luo Hua to lead the people to buy them, and then I thought about the method of making them, how to do them step by step, and went through them in my mind a few times to make sure they were right before I found them. He read the book to pass the time, just waiting for Luohua to buy things back.

As a result, no matter whether it was a vegetable market or a butcher shop, no butter was sold. It is said that the imperial court did not allow private slaughter of cattle, so there was no beef sold, and naturally no butter.

He Xiner was stunned, "Then what happened to the beef bones in our small kitchen?"

"Given by the big kitchen."

Luo Hua asked cautiously, "Why don't you go to the big kitchen and ask, where did they get their bones?"

"no need."

He Xiner waved her hand, it's not just for this time, it's useless to know where the ox bones come from.

"Switch to rapeseed oil, don't worry about it this time, after lunch, take a rest, and it's not too late to take someone to buy it.


Putting this matter aside for the time being, He Xiner's heart became agitated again. She felt that the time passed too slowly, and she didn't read the book in her hand at all.

I also had no appetite at lunch, I only drank a bowl of beef bone soup, and the food remained unchanged.

Dabai hadn't come back yet, and she didn't wait. She went to bed for a lunch break, but couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning. Finally, she fell asleep drowsily under the quilt to block the light.

If she wanted to see her eldest brother in good spirits, she had to sleep and refresh herself.

(End of this chapter)

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