The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1688 You Are Really Overbearing

Chapter 1688 You Are Really Overbearing

Ye Zutian's temper is not very good, that is, in front of the boss Ye Shitian, his temper is reserved, but in front of outsiders, he is a firecracker, and he will be on fire at one point.

He usually doesn't care about the small thoughts and small calculations between the women. The big matters in the family are all decided by the gentlemen, and they care about it if they like to care about it.

It was because of being nagging that he lost his temper, and even accused Ning Shi of being heartless, which made Ning Shi angry!
But it has restrained a lot.

She only thought about it secretly in her heart, and then she put her mind on Guan Mingwei, ah, ah, that kid is a scholar, good-looking, and has money at home, he is simply the perfect son-in-law candidate!

She happily made a decision alone, vowing to marry her daughter to the Guan family.

No, seeing Guan Mingwei himself, I couldn't help but want to test his attitude. I didn't know my thoughts at all, and it was all exposed in Guan Mingwei's eyes.

Also because of Guan Mingwei's handy help, he is self-satisfied, and there is no one else.

But Guan Mingwei not only has a keen mind, but also pays special attention to propriety in doing things. When he returned to the workshop, he only followed Ye Mancang, helping kill chickens, pluck chicken feathers, and remove internal organs. Although he was a bit clumsy, he did it extremely seriously.

The sisters-in-law of the Ning family are paid for their work, while Ye Mancang and the eight Ye Mantun brothers are pure helpers. They come to help with rough work when they have time, and they also specialize in dirty and tiring work, which is very capable.

"Brother Guan, be careful of the hot water."

Everyone in the Guan family is good-looking. Guan Mingwei has fair skin, exquisite facial features, and a pair of red phoenix eyes that are hooked inside and turned up outside. They are bright, sharp, clear and energetic. Together with Ye Mancang, Ye Mantun and other brothers, they should not be too outstanding.

It is true that the brothers of the Ye family have darker skin, but this is not as eye-catching as him.

Ye Hexiu's heart was beating wildly, she was holding her hand, her cheeks were reddish, and she spoke delicately, as much as she wanted, making Guan Mingwei's scalp tingle.

He hurriedly hid in front of Ye Mancang, and said flatly, "Miss Ye has worked hard."

"They're all from my own family. Brother Guan called me Hexiu because..."

After all, she was still young and didn't know how to hide it, or maybe she didn't hide it on purpose. In short, the emotion in her eyes, as well as her flushed cheeks, fully exposed her thoughts, which made Ye Mancang frown.

He has identified Guan Mingwei as sister Xin'er's fiancé-in-law, and even if she returns to the He Mansion, he still hopes that the two of them can achieve good things.

The Guan family knew the bottom line, and Ming Wei really liked Sister Xin'er, so he would love her, spoil her, and would not let her be wronged.

It's better than people from the He Mansion randomly finding someone she doesn't know.

As for the gap between the Guan family and the He family, it doesn't matter at all.

Sister Xin'er said that if she wants to be the seasoning king of the Ming Dynasty, then what are they afraid of?
Sister Xin'er said she wanted to be the seasoning king, so she appointed it.

He has absolute confidence in this.

At that time, whether their family or the Guan family, they will be no worse than the He family. Ming Wei is also a scholar with a bright future. With such status and worth, I believe that the He family will not be able to pick anything.

He believed that sister Xin'er would come back sooner or later.

But what does this girl mean?Want to pry a corner?
Really overreaching!
"Fifth, take the hot water from the second sister!"

Ye Hexiu was just getting close to Guan Mingwei, and was taken aback by her elder brother's loud shouting. She didn't hold back for a while, and screamed, "Brother, why are you shouting so loudly? You want to scare someone to death!"

As soon as the words blurted out, she immediately felt something was wrong, even Ning Shi, who was busy with work, felt it, and stretched her neck to look out. Ding Shi and Yao Shi rolled their eyes and thought, her daughter is young A little bit, but the difference of five or six years between men and women is nothing.

The women had different thoughts, and they all had their own little calculations, so Ye Mancang said in a rough voice, "It's dirty here, it's not a place for a little girl to stay, the second sister should stay away."

(End of this chapter)

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