The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1689 It's Eccentric

Chapter 1689 It's Eccentric
Ye Hexiu reacted consciously afterward, she lost her composure, and even screamed in front of Brother Guan, thinking about how to make up for her image, when she was kicked out by Ye Mancang.

It's really pushing her out, even a fool can hear it.

The little girl was thin-skinned, her eyes were red in an instant, and she looked at Guan Mingwei tearfully, but the other party gave her an indifferent back. Stuffing the kettle into Ye Mangui's arms, he turned his head and ran into the kitchen, crying alone.

In the end, Ye Mangui was almost scalded to death, and he was reluctant to throw the porcelain pot on the ground and smash it into pieces, which made him howl in pain, but it was better for Ye Mancang to take the handle away with quick eyesight.

This commotion completely annoyed Ye Mancang, and also made Sifang's Yao Shi very angry, but in front of Guan Mingwei, it was not easy to tear his face, and he made a note of Ye Hexiu in his heart.

Ye Hexiu's mother-in-law, Ning Shi, frowned in anger.

He was annoyed at Ye Mancang meddling in his own business, and at the same time annoyed at his daughter's failure to live up to expectations. She could not hold her breath even in trivial matters, and she lost herself in front of the Guan family boy.

Sanfang Ding frowned, feeling that Mancang was so nervous that the Guan family boy seemed to have other secrets.

Among the sisters-in-law, only Wufang Kong is just watching the fun, there is no way, who keeps her daughter young.

Ning and the others only dry all the seasonings, including chicken, shiitake mushrooms and other ingredients. As for the grinding and blending of monosodium glutamate, monosodium glutamate and thirteen spices, it is Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin, plus Ye Shitian and Ye Mancang. grandpa.

They didn't even know what to dry so much chicken for, they just subconsciously decided that it was a big deal.

Good guy, how much does it cost to have such old chickens a day, and to build such a spacious workshop, it costs money everywhere, which is not a small sum.

If they don't make money, how can they be willing to make it like this?
Therefore, the few people who think they have figured out the details have all kinds of careful thoughts. They dare not plot against their elder brother, and they have no courage to plot against Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin brothers. All ideas can only be played It's on the Guan family.

The Guan family boy is naturally good, and the Guan family girl is also beautiful.

Kong's eyes lit up suddenly, she took a peek at her sisters-in-law, and continued to work as if nothing had happened.

I have to think of a way...

The door of the workshop is usually closed, and the villagers have no way to inquire about it. Even Lao Yetou doesn't know what is made inside.

The wheat has been planted, there is not much work in the field, and there are not many things to do in the vegetable garden. Now that he has free time, he takes the big yellow ox to the river to feed grass every day, and brings back a basket of grass to feed the mules.

He passed by the door of the workshop every day, and he often heard the chatter and laughter of the people in the warehouse, and occasionally bumped into each other. When a few boys saw him, they still called grandpa, grandpa, but no one went to play at home. up.

Said it was quite busy.

Old Yetou sighs quietly~
He led the big yellow ox back home, held his little grandson and looked at the big yellow ox with nothing to do, until it was getting dark and Mrs. Cao came to cook, and he didn't know that this day was going to pass again.

He Jiaming's meal was brought into the house by the young servant A Shengduan, and there were only four members of Lao Yetou and Dafang's family on the dining table of Lao Ye's house.

Old Yetou glanced at Ye Feifeng, who was as quiet as a chicken, and Little Xuyang, who was playing alone with the big bad wolf in his arms. As for the little Qian, who was out of tune, he didn't even bother to look at him, and finally his eyes fell on the face of the eldest son, "I I thought Xu Sheng and Xiu Mu were going to come back, but I didn't see him after looking forward to it for a whole day."

"I forgot to tell my dad. He said yes last time. He doesn't come back after taking a rest on weekdays. He wants to discuss knowledge with his classmates."

A look of disappointment flashed in Old Yetou's eyes. He really missed his grandson. With him around, the family could be more lively.

"I don't know if Xu Sheng went to see girl Xin."

"Father, don't worry, that kid will never forget Miss Xin even if he forgets everyone."

Xiaoqian, who bowed his head to eat, curled his lips secretly, everyone returned to the He Mansion, still thinking about it, it's really partial.

(End of this chapter)

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